chapter seven

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The pep rally was. . . interesting. There was a lot of screaming, yelling, and games. The big game is in less than four hours, and it's complete chaos in the Zvahl household.

I'm currently sitting on Laurance's bed bored out of my mind as I watch him and the other other football boys mess around in his room. Why the hell is his room so large?

Laurance looks over at me and winks, and I just roll my eyes and flip him off. That's when the rest of the boys decide to be complete imbeciles and rip on him for it.

A knock on the door is heard, Luke, an idiot, went to go answer it.

He turns around to show the petite cheerleader standing in the doorway. "Laurance dude, your hot little sister's here."

I roll my eyes once again as Laurance groans. I can only imagine how weird it is hearing somebody calling your sibling hot, but I wouldn't know.

Alex places her hand on her hip and begins to talk with a hint of sass. "Well hello to you too Liam," His name isn't Luke? "Laurance, I'm leaving for Aphmau's now, I'll see you at the game." She flashes a small smile towards me and stares up at Lu-Liam. "By the way, buy a dictionary. Most girls don't like being called hot, myself included. A few words you could've used are dainty, beautiful, and if you're into big words you could use pulchritudinous. However, I perfer you wouldn't call that one to me because it talks about physical beauty instead of what's inside." I don't think any of that was in English.

Liam turns to Laurance, "Dude, I forgot your sister was smart." Ouch.

Laurance nods his head at him, and I run to her. "Bring me with!" I can't stand cheerleaders, nor can I stand Aphmau's aggravating voice, but I'll do anything not to be in here any longer.

By the time we make it to Aphmau's we walk in to see a bunch of girls in the same outfits, lounging around in the living room. I suppose I thought it was going to be very stereotypical with them all talking about boys, doing each other's hair, and all that shit. Most of them are just on their phones.

Aphmau walks over, a pink meif'wa with her. "Hey Alex!" Aphmau looks at me. "Y/N, correct?" I nod my head and she leads us further inside. "We were waiting for you. We have some things to discuss before the game tonight."

I swear if it's about crushes and games of truth or dare then I'm going to die.

Lately, and even in the past, it's like everything is in black or white. I'd place all the these people, cheerleaders, football players, populars, and so many more far away from me. I never wanted anything to do with them, and here I am rubbing elbows with them. It's only been a week, so I'm scared about who I'll turn out to be after another week.

It's like the Socs and the Greasers. Or even back during the French Revolution where the third class ended up fighting the first and second classes because of how unfair it was between them. The third class had taxes to pay and little to nothing for political power, and the other classes were wearing those stupid culottes things showing off their power. Yeah, look how that turned out. Heads are flying into baskets everywhere.

I guess this project really is taking a toll on me, and I've even been opening up to Laurance more. I'm changing, and I don't know how to feel about it. Laurance caught me off guard two days ago when he called me pretty, and even told me that other people think I'm pretty too. That was the one day in a long time I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I don't know how to feel about it either.

I continued to eat the candy bar I stole from Zenix earlier this morning as I sit on Laurance's kitchen counter.

"Must you sit on the kitchen counter?" He asks me and I give him no responce.

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