Chapter 5

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Today is the day.... OPENING DAY!

The day where we get the rest of the campers! Ahhh, I'm so psyched!

and then there's the other part of what today is. Today is the 1st day of Operation Elise Not Marry Eli (ENME).

I go out on my porch this morning, only to find Penny walking up the stairs.

"So, did you watch the tapes?"

"Yeah, Penny. I think I'm going to at least try."

She silently cheers, and we make our way to the mess hall.

After breakfast, a person comes up to me and nudges me.

"Hey P-.... What do you want, Jamie? Give me yet another speech on how much you think this camp sucks?"

She takes off her black hood and says, "I'm sorry about that. We got off on the wrong foot, I believe. I wasn't my normal self."

I narrow my eyes. This is not like Jamie.

"Are you sure that you don't just want your camera back?"

"What? Oh, god no. It's not like that. I understand I can't use it. I just had a tough time right before camp... But that shouldn't be an excuse."

She wipes a tear from her cheek. Either she's a really good actress/liar, or she really is sorry.

"What I'm trying to say is, I really like this camp."

"Alright, now that I know for sure this is B.S., what do you want?"

Her face turns from a teary smile to a frown.

"What are you-"

"I gave that speech to my mom when I was little... Only mine was about keeping my room. You can't fool me. What do you want?"

She throws her hands up in frustration, and says, "You will only understand it if I tell you everything."

We've been walking all around, and I stop at a bench and take a seat.

"What are you doing?" She asks, sitting next to me on the other side of the bench.

I look down at my watch, which reads 7 am.

"We have five hours until the other campers come, so I've got time to hear everything."

She sighs, and sits back, running a hand through her hair.

She bends down and grabs her phone out of her boot.

"How did you-"

"I know how to pick locks and stuff. It's not like I'm actually using it. I just need to show you something while I talk." She scrolls on her smartphone for a while, and then she hands it to me.

"That's me, and that is a girl named Alexis Zall......" She points to the brunette.

"We were okay friends, and then we dated for a long time, but she cheated on me with this guy." She flips to a photo of a shirtless guy.

"How long did you last?" I ask, looking at the photos.

"Well, we dated for a year or so.... We both have YouTube channels. Turns out she was not bi, just straight. She meant to tell me, but..." She trails off.

"She never did." I finish for her, and she nods.

"So, how can I help you?"

"Well, can you tell me about Penny?"

Why would she- Oh........

"You like Fefferman?"

She blushes a bit, and says, "What? Pshhh, no. No way, not at all." I give her a look, and she says, "Well, maybe!"

"That's so adorable!" I kind of squeal accidentally.

I give her a hug, and whisper into her ear, "If you hurt her though, you know that Elise and I will hunt you down. Well we won't have to, we know where you live."

She nervously laughs and says, "I won't."

Once she promises that, I tell her the bit I know about her-- leaving out Project ENME, her previous affection for Jamie, etc.

We sit for a while, just talking.

You know, maybe she was right about getting off on the wrong foot. She seems like a good kid.

After we talk, we get up, and I go prepare lunch, and greet the new campers.


Done :)

Hope you liked the chapter.

I don't know.

Well, byeeeeeeee!


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