Thank you.⋮Keisuke ╳ Reader「Deviloof」

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" Deviloof " is a word created by us.
Deviloof means an omittance of devil's proof.
We chose this as it leads to the thought of a phenomenon where there is no proof that Satan showed to Christ. It leads to a very mysterious feel, something beyond what is easy to understand.


❝ Kyaaaa!! Keisuke-kun!! ❞
❝ Ah! Hirito, Hirito! ❞
❝ Seiiiiiyaaaaaa! ❞
❝ Ryuya-San! ❞
❝ Daiki! ❞

Various cheers of both female and male counterparts echoed throughout the concerts terrain;  Scarlet and white luminous lights continuously flicker around the obsidian darkened room.  The plucking of strings,  beating upon drums and the vocalization of lyrics echoed in〔Y/N's〕ear.  A smile caressed vermillion lips,〔C/E's〕mainly focused on the vocalist booming voice.
The raven and white locks brought out the snow-like colored contacts worn, the fake blood splattered upon his tattooed chest and margin of his lip simply enhanced his pale complexion. Keisuke was currently singing Doll Play from the mini album Purge.

Both the deep and grown-like pitches of his English vocals were amazing.  The looks of the members made females squeal and the deep,  growl-like pitches of the vocalist along with the intense synchronizing of drums and guitars made males head bang.  You were one of the few people who bought the tickets early,  so you were in front of everyone else in the crowd.  Unlike like the their girls,  you were jumping and head banging to the music.  You were not focused on how gorgeous the guys looked on stage;  you just wanted to have a good time and enjoy the music that coursed through your spine.
Whilst the song continued,  Keisuke extended his free hand for the audience to 'high five.'  Unaware of the action,  multiple people began to bump and push into〔Y/N〕,  causing you to tumble onto the chilled flooring and landing in your rear.

❝ Ouch.  . ❞ You managed to utter underneath your breath before releasing a hiss of dissatisfaction.  Keisuke noticed you fall onto the ground thanks to his fans forcing their way to simply touch a mere hand.  He then hopped off the stage at an appropriate time,  right when the guitar solo began to help you up.  Tilting your chin,  you saw that he was in front of you with his hand extended.  A smile was upon his crimson tinted lips which caused a floral hue to emanate upon your cheeks.  You too,  extended your arm for your petite hand to subtly take ahold of his larger one.  Effortlessly,  he pulled you up back onto your feet before releasing the extremity,  flashing a wink and hopping back onto the stage to continue.  That only made the reddened cheeks become darker.  There you stood,  shocked and embarrassed that your 'idol' witness you fall.


The concert was over and previously, you purchased a ticket to go backstage and meet the members of Deviloof. You did not want to give them your number or simply crazily fangirl over each individual. You just wanted to compliment them, give them motivation to continue to do their good work and also give a sincere thank you to Keisuke for helping you up. After all, you knew how they have been harassed and stressed lately, so you did not want to bombard them when they are relaxing after a hyped concert.
Girl after girl, guy after guy, you followed behind what seemed an endless line since you were last. 30 minutes later, you finally approached the table with the members sitting behind it and holding a pen.
' This is embarrassing. . '

〔Y/N〕thought, gulping the lump lodged in her throat before audibly speaking,  ❝ I wanted to say that you guys did great during the concert and I hope that you continue to do great. Also, I want to thank you, Keisuke, for helping me when I fell down. ❞ You managed to emit a vague chuckle, an arm ascendeding for the open palm to rub your nape. A smile crept upon your plump lips along with the same blush from before.
Keisuke, along with the others chuckled in amusement.

❝ No need to thank me. I didn't want to see one of my fans being crushed by a bunch of crazy girls and I don't think that you would have wanted to be crushed either. Plus, you're pretty cute. ❞ He spoke softly, a bijou smile forged on his own brims.
❝ She is cute, ❞〔Y/N〕heard the drummer, Hirito quietly agree. In a synchronized manner, Ryuya, Seiya and Daiki modded their head. The blush on your cheeks only darkened more. They thought you were cute?

You simply wore a black, long-sleeved crop top with the collar cut down mid shoulder length and the center of the top, a metal silver pentagram. Along with the crop top, you wore black booty shorts with fishnets underneath and white on black Adidas.  You had multiple rings on your slender digits with a single bracelet in your dominant wrist.  On your face,  the makeup was simple.  Thin eyeliner with black eyeshadow and white highlight on the inner corner of your eyes with false-eyelashes to exaggerate your eyelashes.  With your lips,  you simply had a matte dark,  mocha-like color on.  The contacts you also wore were vaguely golden that matched the earring which were dangling crosses.

❝ T-Thank you.  . ❞   You stuttered,  shocked by the words heard from the vocalist and the other member themselves.  A very unexpected occurrence.
❝ No problem.  I'm surprised that you haven't moaned and screamed over us like the other people.  I'm curious about you. ❞   He responded,  his white hues glancing into your golden ones.

❝ Well.  .  Why should I treat you differently from how I treat my friends?  Just because you're famous and have a talent some of us don't possess doesn't mean you're any 'higher' than us.  You're still human like the rest of us.  Besides,  I heard how you guys are being harassed and whatnot,  so putting more stress on you would only worsen your current predicament. ❞   Your eyelids closed,  a soft exhale emitting afterwards.  Those words shocked the band.  Not by disrespect,  but by unexpectance.  This caused a chuckle to echo off backstage by Keisuke,  causing you to snap your eyes back open.

❝ I like you.  Here,  let's talk a bit and I'll take you out for a date,  how about that?  Sure,  I'd probably be even more harassed,  but it would be a shame to see such a rarity like you wander off. ❞ He'd smirk,  before breaking eye-contact to jolt down his number on a piece of paper before handing it to you.  You accepted the paper before nodding your head in agreement. 

❝ Yeah,  i'd love that.  It's getting late,  so I'll text you when I get home.  I hope I get to meet your members as well and not just you.  Also,  I hope I get to hear the music you make next! ❞〔Y/N〕teases before folding the single paper and stuffing it into her rear pocket before exiting the terrain.

❝ Dammit,  you got a hot girl! ❞ Daiki exclaimed,  dual arms crossing over his chest.
❝ You know he always pulls the chicks,  Daiki. ❞  Seiya responded,  Ryuya nodding in agreement. 

❝ Girls always like themselves a bad boy. ❞   Hirito responded,  a grin visible on his lips.
❝ Well.  .  ❞  Keisuke began,  now leaning back on his chair,  ❝ She seems different.  You know all the girls that give me their numbers,  I usually give to you guys or I toss them into the trash.〔Y/N〕is different.  She is actually interested in the music we produce and knowing about us.  She's not interested in our looks or our money. ❞
The silence harbored in the room was simply the others agreeing with him.

She is a rarity like no other.

† † † † † †
A/N‪∶‬  Hey guys!!  This is my first time making a xReader story.  I hope you all like it!  I'm sorry that it was short.  It's currently 4 AM and I kinda rushed because I wanted to sleep.  Anyways,  I think that Visual Kei stories are so .  .   They deserve more attention!!  I also plan on making fluff and lemon if you guys want. Also,  you guys should listen to Deviloof's mini albums.  They're amazing. 〜   Anyways,  please give me a feedback and tell me who I should write about next and if I should continue writing!!  ♡

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