You're beautiful.⋮Yo-ka ╳ Reader「Diaura」

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Another story requested by OrochimaruTrash ! ♡ I hope you all like it so far! ♡


You and Yo-ka have been in a lovely relationship for 2 years and have been living with each other ever since. With Yo-ka being the vocalist of a band called Diaura and you being a model, you both rarely had time to spend with each other. When Yo-ka comes home, you'd usually be at a fashion show. When you're home, Yo-ka would usually be recording a music video. Every chance you both had spending with each other,  you'd try to come up with a schedule where the both could settle down together and spend the day with one another without any disturbance of friends and their jobs.

That day has come at last.
You both were at home and on the couch,  cuddled together while watching The Grudge.  You both enjoyed horror movies a lot,  but watching this move repeatedly over the years has gotten rather boring.  .

❝ Yo-ka!!  Since we both have the day off,  let's go to an arcade!! ❞ 〔Y/N〕 cheerfully exclaimed to your boyfriend,  your petite hands gently tugging at his arm.

❝ If that's what you want,  I don't mind. ❞  He calmly responded with a smile.  With a nod,  you grasped his arm and pulled him outside. You did not even put on the slightest make up, nor did Yo-ka. In all honesty, he was quite surprised at how you did not mind to gather your makeup. For awhile, he was aware of your insecurities. Your face being one. Yo-ka was proud that when you were modeling and had makeup on,  you radiate confidence!  But when you were home without it on,  you hid a majority of your face with your bangs by flipping it to the side.
He always saw your pale complexion as almost delicate; a porcelain doll. You're〔E/C〕sparkling. You're crooked smile the most adorable. .

The two of you began to walk down the clustered street, fingers intertwined with one another in a delicate hold. The walk was silent, but the presence of one another was the most comforting. The childish laughter of children, the muttering of adults and the music of little anime shops filled your ears with joy. It was obvious by your large smile and your head scanning from left to right to observe the premises.

❝ You know. . ❞ Yo-ka paused, causing you to divert your gaze up to your lover.
❝ . . It's been awhile since I saw you smile and not in a magazine. Your smile is so precious to me. Its like it's rare to see you smile like this. ❞

❝ A-Ah. . ❞ You're cheeks were pigmented crimson, your〔E/C〕irises to revert to the cemented terrain. You did not know what to say. Have you been so occupied to the point where you rarely smoked around his presence rather than in photo shoots?
It made your heart ache.
❝ I didn't realize that. . I'm sorry Yo-ka. ❞ You looked up back at him, gently squeezing his hand.
❝ Hey. . Instead of going to an arcade, let's go to the park. I don't want to focus on games anymore. I want to spend as much time with you before we have to focus on work again. ❞

Yo-ka's cheeks, too, reddened significantly. With his mocha hues eyes gazing into yours, a nod was executed.

❝ Y-Yeah. . ❞
You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked. Like your smile, seeing him in such an embarrassed state, it was adorable. You both looked forwards, changing directions to the park.

A lovely walk of silence later. . .

You both made it to the park and decided to sit underneath a large tree that provided enough shade to cover both of you. Legs crossed, you sat in front of each other. Your hands were buried in the gap created by your thighs whilst Yo-ka's hands regressed so that when he leaned back, his arms supported him up.

❝ I wish this moment could last forever. . ❞ You said quietly, wanting to spark up a conversation.
❝ I know you want it to, 〔Y/N〕.  .  I do as well,  but our job says otherwise. ❞  You could not help but giggle at his response.  As sad as it was,  it was true.
❝ Also,  you look really handsome without all that make up,  you know.  You have a little baby face. 〜 ❞
You hummed before Yo-ka effortlessly pounced atop of you,  causing you to fall back upon the viridescent grass.

❝ Don't say that,  you idiot.  I can say the same about you too. ❞  Your dominant arm ascended,  your palm cupping his cheek.  He would lean against your touch,  his lips gently pressing against the extremity.
❝ You're so beautiful.  .  I don't get why you're so insecure about your face.  All that make-up is unnecessary since you're an original beauty. ❞ 
He always did know how to make your heart flutter with merriment and embarrassment.

❝ .  .  You're so sweet when you're not doing interviews and stuff.  You're so serious and a bit emotionless,  but when you're here with me,  it's like you're a completely different person.  What did I do to receive such sweetness from someone like you.  .  ? ❞  Your index finger tucked a mixture of blonde and obsidian stands behind his ear before he replied, 

❝ You came into my life is what you did,  silly.  . ❞  Leaning downwards,  his lips subtly pressed against yours.  Of course you could not reject him,  so you returned the passionate kiss.  Though,  the strands that your tucked behind his ear fell back down upon his cheeks,  the edges gently tickling the flesh of your face which caused you to pull away with a giggle of a child.

❝ What's so funny? ❞  Am eyebrow raised out of curiosity.
❝ The hair I tucked behind your ear tickled my cheek when you kissed me. ❞  You giggles once more,  causing Yo-ka to chuckle.

❝ I see.  Does that mean I should cut my hair? ❞
❝ Nope!  You look really cute with long bangs.  Keep them! ❞  The hand that was rested upon his cheek than ran through his lock effortlessly.  So soft and silky‪.  .  Leaning downwards, his forehead rested upon yours before placing a peck upon your plump lips.

❝ You're so beautiful, 〔Y/N〕.  No matter how many times I say it,  it simply isn't enough to describe how you look without makeup on.  . I want to spend my entire life with you. A day without you makes my heart ache. Is that what makes me so cold when I am not with you? I just love you so much. . ❞

Almost in a synchronized manner, both your eyes sealed shut whilst tears streamed down your cheeks and onto the grass.
❝ . . I love you just as much, Yo-ka. . More than you can ever imagine. . ❞

† † † † † †

A/N‪∶‬  This was shorter than I thought.  Booo.  .  Anyways,  I hope you guys liked this one!! Please remember that I also do lemon and fluff!  If you have any request,  please DM me and I'll get onto it ASAP!  After this story,  I plan on doing Meto x Reader.  He's just so cute,  how can I not make one on him?  I can just cuddle him to death!!

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