Lessons. ⋮Kei 佳衣 ╳ Reader「Diaura 」

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This is for @annoyinggurl95. I hope you enjoy it, love!  Also, this will be a little lesson from myself as well if you want to learn Japanese, since I am Japanese myself, haha.


It was always hard for you to write in Hirigana and speak Japanese fluently. Of course, you knew that basic

So on and so forth, but barely any statements that people you might come to interact with or ask questions!

┄┄━ Tokyo, Japan ━┄┄

There you sat in Rokurinsha, staring at your ramen that you managed to even to obtain.
Luckily enough, the male who prepared the dish was learning how to speak fluent English, so speaking to him was fairly easy. Although, the accent left behind each word made. . Somewhat difficult. It was rather cute though. Conversing, you agreed to teach him English and he agreed to

❝ How. . Long have you been learning Japanese? ❞
He questioned, taking a seat in front of you with a smile and a notebook in his arms.

❝ I've been learning for 6 months now. Though, I don't really learn that fast. . ❞ You nervously chuckled, rubbing your nape.
❝ But. . Your name. What is it? ❞
You questioned, taking a slurp out of the delicious noodles.

❝ My name is Kei. Kei from Diaura. ❞
He responded.

❝ KEI—!? ❞
You coughed multiple times, quickly grasping the glass of water besides the bowl of ramen and taking multiple gulps.  You loved Diaura and always had a cru— Admired Kei!  He played the guitar so perfectly and he looked so handsome!  You should have known from the beginning that the person you have order the ramen from was Kei himself!

Kei chuckled to himself,  the smile remaining.
❝ You're a fan from America?  That's very interesting.  Having fans all around the world is shocking.  Oh,  and I didn't get your name. ❞  He then opened his notebook,  scanning the words and sentences he wrote clearly in English down.

❝ I-I am!  I didn't know you worked at a ramen shop!  And my name is〔Y/N!〕❞  You exclaimed merrily,  margin of lips curved upwards from ear to ear.
You were so happy to have met the person you always admired,  especially having a conversation with him through person!

❝〔Y/N?〕That's a very beautiful name. ❞
That made you blush.  You remained silent since you did not know what to say.

❝ Cute.  .  Anyways,  how about I teach you the more advanced sentences Japanese language? But first, let's start with the basics. I'm sure you're aware of it, right? ❞

You slowly nodded your head, placing the chopsticks atop of the bowl in a horizontal position.
❝ Alright. Can you start first? ❞
You questioned, eyebrows curved inwards out of embarrassment.
❝ Of course.
❝ おはよう、わたしは ひろこ佳衣です。❞
* Ohayōu gozaimasu, watashi wa Keidesu.*
(Good morning,  my name is Kei.)
He calmly responded,  tucking the palm under his chin,  sapphires glancing into your glistening ones.

❝ は—はじめまして、佳衣。わたしは ひろこ〔Y/N〕です。。❞
* Hajimemashite,  Kei.  Watashi wa〔Y/N〕desu.
(Nice to meet you,  Kei.  My name is〔Y/N〕.❞
You stuttered,  hoping you returned the correct statement.

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