Chapter 8...

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'I know theres sunshine beyond that rain. I know theres goodtimes beyond that pain.'


"Good luck seniorita." Carlo wished me. I wished my baby brother, my Jason were here, I wish mum was here. In a way, I  was kind of glad that Jason's living with Aunt Lizzie, my mums sister. He would have never survived in dad's mansion. Dad would find his playing annoying, and his anger could never be trusted. I still remember that day. 'please dad, no please...'  I will not remember. Smile. "thanks Carlo." I pushed the car door behind me and walked into the large school gates. Warrington High. New day, new school, new life. I put on a broad smile and walked towards the reception area.

"Hi, I'm Sam Smith, I'm new here." I tell the ginger headed lady at the reception. "Sam Smith, hmm... Oh my god, your Alberts daughter right?" I forced myself to not cringe at the mention of my dads name and keep my smile still plastered on my face. "yeah, I just moved down here to live with him." I told her. A peircing bell rung thorugh the hall. "The registration time is now, so you'll  need to be in your homeroom. So here is a map of the school, your schedule, and your locker number and combination. If you need anything else, just let me know. I hope you have a nice day sweetie." She told me."Thanks." I told her, and walked in the opposite direction. 

While I was walking, I opened the map and looked for my homeroom; 10R. As I was walking, I bumped into a solid figure. Someone. OMG!! This could so be like one of those wattpad stories where she meets some guy who later ends up to be the love of her life. "sorry." man that really does sound cliche. I look up to see a familiar face. Leah. It's not a guy! It's even better. I could feel my smile getting wider. "Leah." I squeal. I grabbed her into a hug. This is the best, I'm not alone! Yes!!   "Sam? What are you doing here?" she asked in suprise. I could hear the happiness in her voice. The feeling was mutual.

"I started today, cos' i was live at my dad's place now." I told her. I stared at her face and saw what I said to her had finally sunk in. She'd peiced it all together. "aahh.. that's fab, now I can see you more often." I smiled. Thanks Leah.  She understood me well enough to know that mentioning my mum will hurt, so she didn't mention it. Thanks. I nodded."we're so gonna get late."

"hmm...I know. Who really cares but still. What's your homeroom?"  


"snap, come, let's go. She pulled me down the corridoor towards a large brown door and pulled it open.

"Leah Green, why are you so late?" A middle aged lady asked me. A teacher, I'm guessing. My form teacher. "Teach, we have a new girl she was kinda lost," She jerked her thumb in my direction. Typical Leah. "...and she was lost so I was just helping her out." She replied. I smiled at Leah's words until I glanced at the people in the room, alot of eyes were on me, making me uncomfortable. Leah nudged me. "Hi, I'm Sam," I told the teacher. "You're late. Grab a seat." she told me. How welcoming. Thanks. 

I sat down at an empty desk. Leah slid into the seat next to me. "That's my mate Ashlin's seat, she won't mind, she's never here for homeroom, she's always late." I smiled, "She sounds interesting." Leah smirked. "hmm..."

The first two lessons Leah was in the same lessons as me, third lesson was physics. My favourite. Huh. Whatever. Leah wasn't with me so my smiley-ness was starting to fade away. No, keep on smiling. I walked in, in all the other lessons I sat next to her cos' it turns out that she intimidates everyone. I stood at the front of the classroom near the teachers desk, i'm going to be needing a seat allocated. 

A fat, stout man walked in. "Hi, I'm sam, the new girl." 

"good morning, you can sit at the last desk right at the far left." He told me. I nodded my head and walked into the direction of the table he allocated for me. As I sat down, I felt someone pull out a chair next to me. It was a girl. Phew. I would have hated to sit next to a guy. Her black fringe curtained her right eye, she was chewing gum. 

"Hey, I'm Ashlin, you?" I frowned for a moment. Ashlin, Ashlin, Ashlin. The name sounded familiar. But from where? "I'm Sam, I started today." I tell her. 

"So you're the new girl that's been hanging round with my homie Leah?" Finally it all peiced together, so she's THE Ashlin. I smiled. "yeah, I'm the new girl," I lifted my fingers in the air and made air quotation marks, at the word 'new girl'. "Leah's my mate." I replied. She laughed . "I guess someone don't like being called new girl,huh?" She asked. I smiled. My smiley-ness is coming back. "Hell no. I've been hearing it since morning." She giggled. So Physics won't be that bad then. "Why do we care about what forces there are in water? I don't." Ashlin pulled her phone out of her bag and was texting away furiously. "Someone special?" I asked. Her face brightened up. 

"Yeah, my boyfriend," I shivered at the word. James. Memories rushed into my mind. No Sam! No! You will not be weak. You won't back down! You won't give in to him or let him win this way. No! I continued to listen to what Ashlin was saying. "...he's like the sweetest thing ever. I kinda of knew him since we were like babies and all,and last month I asked him if he'd go out with me, and he said yes. Cool right? Wait, I know the girl isn't supposed to ask the guy out, but I mean it's like the 21st century, we live in equality. I think it's perfectly okay for me to ask him. No? But if I didn't then i'd have never known he liked me back so..."

"Do you have a mute button?" I interrupted with a smile. "huh, how mean." she replied with a posh tone. We both knew we were kidding I turned to face her and we both started laughing really loudly. "Ashlin and Sam, stand up and keep quiet or leave the classroom I will not have your boisterous laughter disturb my lesson. Sam, you are new, I'd have expected a better behaviour from you. I rolled my eyes. When did I ever meet anyones expectations?  Ashlin smirked. Her eyes glinted with mischief. "No"I monuthed. She just winked at me and turned to face the teacher. "fine then, we'll leave. Come on Sam." She told me. She got up and walked towards the door. Why not? I got up and walked out the classroom with her. 

We both burst out laughing once more. "Can't believe that just happened." I told her. She smiled and asked "up for an early lunch?" she asked. I frowned. "hmm...why not." I told her. She pulled out her phone once more. "Mr. loving boyfriend again?" I ask. She shook her head. "Nah, just letting Leah know. let's bunk the rest of school today, I think we've had enough for today right? " I smiled. "of course." 

"Hey guys, Jakes coming too, come lets go." The bell for lunch rang. People started to rush out the classrooms the hallways was suddenly full of poeple. "I'm just goinna fix my hair and makeup. I see you lot outside." Ashlin told us. She winked at Leah. Huh? What the? Maybe it's a private joke, most probably. "Come on, the doors are open  now cos it's lunch, the teachers won't even notice us missing." Leah told me. "come." I told her. We walked out the door. Jake was already there. I didn't realise how brown his hair was until now. It look wonderful with the sunlight hitting it. Shut up Sam. He's Leah's brother. "Hey Jake." I said. I looked at the shock on his face as it registered to him that I was actually there. "Sam? How comes your here?" He seemed as equally suprised as Leah did this morning. "She started today. She comes here now. So we have to go out to celebrate." Leah gushed. I smiled. "thanks, you guys."

Ashlin walked out. Her makeup and hair were done beautifully. "Jakey!" she cried. Jakey? What the? She walked up to him and kissed him.

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