"El?"I let out a sniff and wiped my incoming tears, I turned over my shoulder to see Chris stood there.
"What are you doing out here El?"Chris asked with a concern look on his face. "All alone?"
"I just need a breather."I replied with a smile.
He nodded. "But you are okay aren't you?"
"Yeah I'm fine."I said with a nod. "Your performance was amazing."
"Thank you!"He smiled. "Let's just hope it gets us out of all of this."
"What do you mean?"
"Ricky Martin was there, you didn't see him he was at the far back with Enrique Igelasis."Chris explained as he walked to the DJ booth there."Renato invited them here to listen to us."
"Oh my gosh! I love Enrique and Ricky!"
"Yeah, Adeline told us and she said not to tell you or Zara or Ari."Chris said with a chuckle his hand going through his hair. "She's said you would go loco."
"We wouldn't of you know."
"I think you would. She told us about your encounter with Ben Affleck."Chris said with another chuckle.
"That was Ben Affleck okay!"
He nodded and he pulled out a bottle of the finest whiskey from underneath the DJ booth. He walked to the door of the roof. "I'll see you down in a few?"
"Yeah." Then he left.
I looked down at my fingers, seeing my plain nails. What the fuck was wrong with me?
I closed my eyes wanting to leave, wanting to leave everything behind and never look back on it.
But it was never going to work...
Because I'll be in living in La La Land with Ryan Gosling then.
"El?"Someone called out my name.
I opened my eyes and let out a deep breath knowing who it was.
"El?"He repeated my name again.
I didn't answer and just looked at the view in front of me, he walked over to me and stood in front of me. "El?"
I looked at him. "What do you want?"
He let out a little sigh. "El, don't be like that por favor."
"Be like what?"
"Tell me what's wrong."Zabdiel pleaded with his gleaming eyes fixed onto me.
"What gave you the idea that there is something wrong eh?"
"Chris came down and said you were here alone."Zabdiel replied. "And you walked out straight after we performed."
"I need a breath of fresh air."
His hand ran through his perfect curly hair. Then he turned around and looked at the view with his hands now in his pockets.
"I understand how you feel."Zabdiel confessed as he looked down at the floor slowly turning himself to me. "Because i felt it not long ago and I'm feeling it now too."
I looked at him as he was fully turned to me. "No you don't. You are only saying this for me to tell you what's wrong."
He looked up and looked at me. "I'm not because I get how you feel, you feel like if you open up again if let that wall of yours break."He explained as his hand touched his chest. "You think your corozan will get hurt again and you'll be in pieces."

Strip that down
FanfictionRanked #2 and #7 on CNCO Elena Yatra is an outgoing person who loves her life but has her moments. Zara Holland is a person who is passionate about her work and would do anything for her friends and family Adeline Harrington is a straightforward per...