Chapter 27

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A month later.

Elena's P.O.V

I threw my bag at the couch, so angry at myself. I let out another sigh as my bag slowly fell onto the floor.

"What's happened?"Ari asked as she walked into the living room with a bowl of strawberry smothered in cream.

"My fucking life happened!"I yelled as I threw my hands in the air in frustration.

She picked up a strawberry and took a bite of out it. "As in what?"

"You are honestly going to eat those strawberries and cream without me?"I said as I let out a disappointed sigh.

"If you sit with me and tell me what happened."Ari said as she sat where I threw my bag and picked up my bag. She placed it next to her. "I'll share."

"Fuck you Hoye."

She rolled her eyes at me, I slipped off my crocs and sat down next to her.

She let out a giggle. "Wearing the flaming hot Cheetos crocs today?"

"Fuck off."I said as I rolled my eyes at her. "I want a strawberry."

"You are lucky it's me here not Zara otherwise she would take the piss out of it."Ari said with another giggle.

"Do you know when you are in the damn hospital? Don't you want your surgeon or doctor to be comfortable eh?"I looked at her with a pissed off look. "When they can save your life or not ."

"Fair point."Ari said as she controlled her giggling. She handed me a strawberry. "Tell me what happened."

I took a bit of my strawberry. "I'm just angry at myself."


"B-Because I let myself do something which it shouldn't of done."

"Like what?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing and stupid."

She let out a sigh. "It isn't stupid, look you were so close to tell me what's wrong."

"It is."

"Look El, feelings which you are feeling aren't stupid."Ari said as she touched my hand. "You need to talk about them no matter what they are."

"Why the fuck are you sounding like Mr  Turner right now?"

"Because he was right."Ari responded with a look. "You can't keep on bottling up these emotions you are feeling. It's going to overflow and it's not going to be nice when it's explodes."

I got up and looked at her. "When I did say my feelings tell me what happened eh?"

She gulped and looked down at the bowl she was holding.

"Yeah Ari that's because my feelings didn't matter and they don't matter now."I said as I looked at her with a look. "If someone can act like my feelings don't matter and I can too because it's my feelings."

Ari just stayed quiet looking at her strawberries in front of her.

"I'm going into my room."And I walked to my room and closed the door behind myself.

Not everyone can have a perfect life like Ari.

Wow, she had one mishap in her life which was over two weeks ago and that's the only one she'll have to face.

That's mean of me to say.

Fuck! Maybe she's right in some way.

No she isn't actually because my feelings never mattered, it never mattered now and it won't matter now.

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