Chapter 35

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One week later.

Elena's P.O.V

"I'm not going to cry."Zara mumbled to herself as Adeline put the key in the lock.

"Wait, how have you got a key and we haven't?"Ari asked with a confused look on her face.

We heard a lock click and Adeline turned to us. "Chris gave it to me."She replied with a shrug.

River rolled her eyes and looked down at the floor.

I looked at Zara. "You'll be fine."

She looked up at me, tears brimming in her eyes and she let out a sniff. "I'll try to be."

Adeline turned back around and opened the door then we walked into the place.

"FOR FUCK SAKE JOEL WHERE THE HELL IS MY JEANS?!"Richard yelled on the top of his lungs holding a bowl of cereal in his hands standing behind the kitchen bar.

"Don't you think you guys should already be packed?"Adeline asked as she put her hands on her hips. "You had a week."

Richard looked at us, his cheeks slowly crept up to the colour of red. "I-I erm already packed, the rest aren't."

"Where are they?"Zara asked as she looked down at the floor.

"Chris is still sleeping, I just managed to get Zabdiel up now."Richard replied. "Erick is in Joel's room probably got my jeans!"He yelled the last part.

River looked at him. "Why are your cheeks red for?"

He looked down at his bowl of cereal ignoring what River said. "Aren't you guys going to go to them?"

"I swear I'm going to wring Chris's neck!"Adeline yelled as she marched off.

"Why are you persisting us to go for?"Ari asked as she raised her eyebrow at him.

"B-Because I do."Richard answered with a shrug.

"Wait, he hasn't got no jeans on or anything do you?"I suggested with a grin on my face. "That's why he wants his jeans from Joel."

"Why the fuck does Joel have your jeans for?"Zara sniggered as she looked at him. "Aren't they supposed to be on you?"

"He stole them from me."Richard said as he took a spoonful of his cereal.

"How did Joel steal your jeans?"River asked as she bit her lip. "You guys are probably not the same size."

"Because he did okay!"Richard said in annoyed tone.

"Well I'm going to go to Joel."Ari said as she walked.

"TELL HIM TO GIVE ME MY JEANS BACK!"Richard yelled after her.

"I'm going to go and see Erick."Zara said then left.

River looked at me. "Aren't you going to see Zabdiel?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Then I left them to it and I walked to Zabdiel's room, I stared at the door for a few minutes I took a deep breath then let it out.

My hand pressed against the handle and pushed it down then the door opened.

I walked into the room to see Zabdiel packing things in the suitcase on his bed.


He turned around and looked at me. "El."

"Hey."I repeated again as my hand touched the ends of my hair.

He just looked at me, I sat next to the suitcase and looked at him. "You haven't packed?"

"Look, I couldn't be bothered and I wanted to spend the week with you."

"Yeah I know but your flight is like in two hours."

"Yeah I know it is."

"Do you need any help?"

"I'm nearly done."Zabdiel said as he threw a few tshirt in the suitcase."

"Oh my gosh Zabdiel!"I said as I faceplamed myself.


"You are such a messy packer let me do it!"

"Fine then."

I got up from the bed and started to pack everything in there neartly, Zabdiel snaked his arms around me as I did it.

I started to zip it and it wouldn't zip up.

I turned to Zabdiel. "It isn't zipping."

"Well it anit my fault."He said as he put his hands up.

I placed my hands on the top of the suitcase and brought myself up to sit on the suitcase.

I looked at him. "Come on zip it up!"

He let out a soft chuckle. "Fine."

He zipped it up then he wrapped his arms around me and we kissed.


"Fuck, I'm going to miss you!"Chris said as we hugged each other really tight.

I pulled away from the hug. "Bye Crisps."

"Bye."He said with a sniff then walked out of the door.

I already said my byes to Joel, Erick and Richard. I looked at Zabdiel who was saying bye to Zara.

I really didn't want to say bye. I want him to stay or me to go with him but that wasn't going to happen at all.

He walked over to me and looked at me. I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I don't want to leave you."He whispered softly.

I pulled away from the hug my eyes brimmed with tears. "You are going to do this."

His finger stroked my cheek. "I'll FaceTime you everyday and text you everyday."

"Yeah you are."

We kissed then I pulled away when Richard came back in indicating it was time to go for them.

Zabdiel looked at me and kissed my cheek then he left with the rest.

After a few mintues of them leaving I walked out of the apartment in the hallway  to see Peter Evans stood there across me opening the door.

He turned around and looked at me then turned back around.

Seeing his face again, I quickly turned around and walked back into the apartment.

"What's wrong?"Adeline asked as I ran into Zabdiel's room.

Tears streamed down my face as I laid down in his bed sniffing on his blanket the smell of him trying to comfort myself.

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