Part 33

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Eleeza stepped to the window and breathed deeply. The cold air of the night did her good. She could feel the moon rise and wondered what Evan might be doing. She thought a lot about him. She dearly missed him and in the nights, she woke up frightened, because she couldn't find him next to her.

Horrible nightmares made it impossible to sleep more than an hour without waking up with tears. That's why she slept as little as possible. The very thought of him brought tears in her eyes. Her stupid useless eyes! What a cruel world this was. After complete darkness, her life had flourished in light and now dark times ruled her life again.

Some insect alighted on her folded hands. Its tiny feet tickled her and she could feel its tiny wings beating the air quickly. Maybe a dragonfly or a butterfly. Its arrival though had hauled the dark thoughts away and she smiled a sad smile.

She stayed at the window for a long time until the moon started setting again, not knowing what else to do. The moon strengthened her and filled her eyes with its pure, jolly light.


She already sat at the table when Cathryn brought the breakfast. She had carefully listened to the happenings downstairs and knew exactly when she would be there. When Cathryn unlocked the door, Eleeza immediately wished her a good morning. Again, Cathryn sat and chatted with her during the meal.

"Who is that girl you keep a prisoner like me? That girl named Lisa." She asked and sipped at the hot tea.

"How do you know about her?"

"I heard the men talk about her. And sometimes I guess I can hear her", she said and blushed.

"Well, then I guess you already know why she is here. Lenrio, and especially Meino, have brought a dozen of women here over the past years. They drug them with a love potion and then have their fun with them." She said offishly.

"They're awfully cruel! That's rape!" Eleeza gulped. In truth, she had guessed as much, but she had kept some hope that Lisa was here voluntarily.

"And she is not the only one?"

"No, there have been plenty. In the past, I always tried to make friends with them but the love potions obstruct their sanity. They get really dump. In the end, most of them can't even talk. That's when Lenrio finally brings them back to wherever he found them."

Eleeza ate in silence, shocked about the things she had just heard. Those men were bad, really bad. But Meino seemed nice, at least sometimes. She should hate them for what they had done, but her nature didn't allow it.

"What is it exactly what Lenrio wants of you? What do you get lessons in?"

"Wait, we spoke Acuandela when we mentioned that Meino gives me lessons. Do you understand our language?" Eleeza asked surprised and automatically turned her face in Cathryn's direction. She had hesitated to do so before, knowing that the sight would shock Cathryn. What it did.

"Your eyes are so strange!", Cathryn stumbled mystified.

Eleeza felt bad, she didn't want to frighten her. So, she turned her face in another direction: "Sorry about that. I'm just still used to turn to myinterlocutor to speak and search eye contact. Even if doesn't help meunderstand, as it used to. But I simply keep doing it unconsciously. Usually Iwear a blindfold so nobody gets bothered by my eyes."

Cathryn agitated and finally answered: "Don't apologise. You are as beautiful as mystifying. It's part of your aura I guess... One could just stand and stare at you without getting any less impressed by your presence."

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