Part 40

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She didn't sleep that night, but worked out a plan that she found realistic. In difference to last time she tried not to get excited and stay calm. It was important that Lenrio didn't suspect it, at least not any more than he did already.

She hated that she could not heal the bump on her head Lenrio had left after making her unconscious. It led to a steady headache which made the waiting only worse. Hours passed and she shifted from one horrible scenario to another – what if her plan didn't work out? She always convinced herself to go on by thinking of Evan. Anyway, her situation couldn't get much worse than this. It was definitely worth trying!

When she heard Lenrio approaching, she pulled on single ring over the gem and hid the ball in her dress pocket. The key turned and Lenrio found her sitting in the bed.

"Good morning, Milady." He called and sat down. The sound of a tray being placed on the wooden table told her that he had brought himself breakfast, as did the smells. There was bread, cheese and tea. Suddenly something landed in her lap: "Here you go!"

She felt for it and found a piece of bread. Trying to control her hunger, she took only small bites of it. It was very good and she graved to devour it in one go.

Lenrio finished around the same time as she did: "Since we both are early birds we might start working right away. I hope you learned a bit during the past two days." To stress his words, he tapped with something at the bump on her head. But Eleeza just sighed, she hated his little games. And she tried to prepare herself mentally to what was coming now.

The sound of the stone being shoved away brought one hand into her dress pocket. Lenrio didn't seem to notice from what she could tell.

The moment magic rushed to her, she pulled as much as possible to herself. Quickly she changed her form to her natural one, so that this spell didn't devour any magic she needed for her flight.

Lenrio gasped when the storm of small lights tossed over her body. He almost hit her unconscious when he realised that she simply changed back: "Next time warn me! I was afraid you might try something else. But I admit, that this was a good idea. I like you much more looking like that!"

Eleeza ignored him as he kept explaining what she should do for him. Instead she pulled more and more magic to herself: "Eleeza'renria! Do use you magic for changing that glass now! You start gleaming... what is happening?" He suddenly asked alarmed.

But just at this moment Eleeza pulled out the riddle ball, uncovered the gem and released the storm of magic inside.
Lenrio rose from her bed with a scream. Pure magic rose from the glowing gem.

A beam of golden light streamed upwards through the ceiling and up above the castle. It was even brighter than the rising sun in the east. Like a huge fountain of light, it rose until it magically exploded as a firework in the still dark blue dawning. Like rain it poured over the castle and its surrounding ground, making everything gleam golden for a second.

Eleeza didn't see any of that but felt the change. The air was charged with magic, her magic. A magic that had been collected with the sole purpose of grandness and beauty. She smiled happily.

Lenrio had fallen silent. Eleeza freed herself from her bonds and tried to find him with her outstretched arms, his even breathing guiding her. As she had willed it to be, he had fallen prey to pretty dreams, wishes and images.

He didn't stir when she touched him and when she found his face, she could feel that his eyes were closed. He didn't move when she carefully made her way to the door. Luckily the key was still in the lock, she didn't know how she would have found him if Lenrio hadn't left it there.

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