Sad Carlos

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Carlos stomped into the dorm he shared with Jay.

"Are you ok, Carlos?" Jay was playing tug of war with Dude.

"Jane won't stop ranting about her relationship with Chad." Carlos fell forward onto his bed. Jay let go of Dude and Dude jumped onto Carlos' bed to attack him with licks. "Not now, Dude." Carlos placed Dude on the floor.

"Carlos, wipe the frown off you face."

"Why should I?" Carlos looked at Jay. Carlos did like Jay and he forgot for a minute that he liked Jay because of his frustration with Jane.

"Because if you don't." Jay jumped onto Carlos' bed and tickled him. Jay knew where Carlos' sensitive tickle spots were.

"Stop! I'm gonna pee! Jay! Stop!" Carlos laughed. He tickled Jay back and to his surprise, Jay was very ticklish.

"Carlos!" It became an all out tickle war. Jay easily won. Jay accidentally grinded his hips on Carlos' and both boys moaned loudly. They stopped tickling each other and they laughed it off. Jay had liked Carlos for a while but he didn't want anyone to know. Both boys were turned on by each other's moans but Jay was more turned on than Carlos. Jay was still on top of Carlos so he pinned Carlos' hands above his head and he lightly kissed his lips. Carlos kissed him back and he flipped them so he was pinning Jay to the floor with his hands above his head. Carlos had a thought and pulled away. He walked over to his bed.

"Ending it so soon?" Jay pouted.

"I'm...tired." Carlos got out a book (it was the Brothers Grimm version of Rapunzel) only because he was just trying to come up with an excuse not to kiss Jay. He felt embarrassed when he moaned, never mind kissing him. Carlos was attracted to Jay and Jay was attracted to Carlos but they didn't know what the others feelings were towards them.

"But I was having fun." Jay sat up.

"Maybe some other time. I promise." Carlos didn't look up from his book.

"Rapunzel? I didn't know you were into fairytales." Jay sat on the end of Carlos' bed.

"It's the Brothers Grimm version so it's gory and not sticking to the child version." Carlos tried to hold back his feelings.

"I didn't even know you liked books." Jay crawled over to Carlos. Carlos had his knee up to his chest so Jay ran his hands up Carlos' leg then he stopped at the top of Carlos' pants.

"I've figured out that reading let's me escape to another world." Carlos put down the book.

"Why escape to another world when we can do it right now?" Jay ran his fingers along the rim of Carlos' pants. Carlos held back his moans.

"J-Jay." Carlos' moans escaped his mouth. Jay took off his shirt and he kissed up his stomach to his neck. Jay bit down on the skin, making sure he left his mark. "Jay!" Carlos moaned loudly.

"What was that, babe?" Jay said seductively as he grinded his hips on Carlos'. On purpose this time. Carlos couldn't hold it back anymore. He grabbed Jay's face and he attacked Jay's lips with his. Jay smirked and he kissed the small teen back. Jay licked Carlos' lips as to ask for an entrance. Carlos allowed it and Jay flicked and glided his tongue on Carlos'. Carlos moaned loudly and he let Jay be in control. Jay pulled Carlos up so they were both sitting up. Jay ran his hands all over Carlos' body. He ran them along Carlos' back, on his hips, across his chest and around the rim of Carlos' pants. They pulled apart for a breather with a string of saliva connecting their mouths. Jay leant up to Carlos' ear. "We'll continue this tomorrow. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Jay." Carlos whispered. Jay nibbled on Carlos' earlobe. Carlos moaned one last time before Jay walked over to his own bed. "Jay."


"I really enjoyed that."

"So did I." Jay winked at him before he climbed into his own bed.

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