Janitors closet

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Jay and Carlos were playing 'hide and seek' with Mal and Evie. What they were actually doing was hiding from the angry beautiful girls because Jay had accidentally knocked over Evie's water and it spilt all over their clothes. Carlos pushed Jay into the water so Mal and Evie were out to punish both boys. They were hiding in the janitors closet.

"They can't find us in here." Carlos reassured himself.

"If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in here." Jay whispered.

"For the millionth time, I'm sorry." Carlos rolled his eyes. He started breathing happily as they heard Mal talking to Evie.

"Carlos, shut up." Jay slapped him.

"I'm sorry." Carlos couldn't stop.

"Shut up before I make you." Jay threatened.

"Go on then." Carlos challenged. Jay pressed his lips against Carlos' lightly. Both didn't want to stop so they carried on, going heavier and faster. Jay licked Carlos' lips. Carlos smirked and the teens had a war in their mouths. Saliva was exchanged as they were returning each other's love. Carlos jumped up and Jay, wrapping his legs around his waist. They removed each other's shirts and Jay kissed up Carlos' stomach until he reached his neck. Jay bit down hard on the skin and he glazed Carlos' collarbone with his tongue. "Jay, I think we should stop."

"Why? I'm having fun." Jay grinded his hips next to Carlos' as he gently placed the smaller boy on the floor. Both of the teens moaned softly.

"The girls will hear us." Carlos was growing with worry.

"They won't, trust me." Jay kissed Carlos again. Carlos thought for a second before he started kissing back. He moaned as he felt Jay's hips on his and his tongue massaging his own tongue. Jay rubbed Carlos ass, then he slapped it and groped it tightly. Carlos yelped as Jay slapped his ass but he just brushed it off. He was completely lost in the pleasure of Jay kissing him. Jay pulled away from Carlos and he smiled down at him.

"Why did you stop?" Carlos whined. Jay licked Carlos' lips.

"Because the girls are starring at us." Jay's face turned red. Carlos looked at the door and Mal and Evie were starring at them. Evie pretended she was gong to throw up then she ran away.

"What the fuck?! You guys are gross! Our friendship is over!" Mal ran away.

"Homophobes." Jay scoffed and he closed the janitors door.

"W-What are we going to do?" Carlos whimpered.

"Continue what they finished." Jay kissed Carlos again. Carlos was too upset to kiss back. Jay stopped and looked at him. "Carlos?"

"Jay, I love you. I've loved you for years but, I don't know what to do now."

"I love you too, Carlos. Everything's gonna be fine. No one will hurt for as long as you live." Jay kissed Carlos again. Carlos kissed back and all the weight on their shoulders washed off.

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