Isler's date

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Carlos was a lone wolf on the Isle. His mom expected him to have the entire house cleaned every week before he went out to play. The only problem was, Carlos didn't have anyone to play with so he would do extra chores for Cruella. He had a massive crush on this guy named Jay who made the girls swoon and the boys jealous. Carlos wanted to ask him out and one day he decided to gather the courage to go talk to him.

"Mom, I'm going out." Carlos wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had just finished cleaning his room.

"Where are you going?" Asked Cruella.

"No where. Just to talk to this guy."

"Be home soon."

"Yes, mother." Carlos grabbed his jacket and he went looking for Jay. The Isle may be small but there were hundreds of places to hang out at. Carlos found Jay at his dad shop. He seemed to be fiddling with something. "Hi, Jay."

"Oh, hey...Carlos." Jay threw the object into the air.

"Yeah. You might not know me but I'm in your Enrichment class." Carlos smiled.

"And you're in my P.E and Orchestra class with my friends, Mal and Evie." Jay smiled.

"How did you know?" Carlos asked.

"Because you're the cute lone wolf of the school."

"What's that?" Carlos pointed to the object Jay was fiddling with.

"A compass." Jay put the compass in his pocket. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask you if...if you would-"

"I would love to go on a date with you." Jay smiled.

"Wait, what? Really?" Carlos was surprised.

"Yeah. Meet me here at midnight and I'll take you somewhere special."

"Cool. I mean, alright. I mean..." Carlos lost his cool. Jay chuckled.

"I'll see you tonight." Jay smiled.

"Yeah. See you." Carlos walked away with a red face. He couldn't stop thinking about Jay and he couldn't focus on his chores.

"Carlos, darling, what's wrong?" Cruella sat Carlos down on their sofa.

"Nothing. Why?" Carlos blushed.

"You haven't been focused all day."

"My crush has asked me out on a date at midnight. Can I go?" Carlos asked.

"You have been a good boy all these years." Cruella sighed. "Be home by two."

"I will." Carlos smiled.

"Who's the date?"


"Jafar's son?"


"Ok." Cruella walked out of the room. Carlos grinned from ear to ear and he looked at the clock. An hour until the date. Carlos went to his room for a quick nap but he woke up at 12:06.

"Crap!" Carlos ran to Jafar's shop. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's ok." Jay smiled. He took Carlos' hand and they walked to Dragon Hall. Jay pulled out a rope.

"Woah." Carlos smiled.

"I did this today." Jay started climbing up it. Carlos followed him until they were on the almost flat roof. They sat there and blushed.

"I don't know why you would want to go out on a date with me, Jay." Carlos looked away.

"Because you're so cute and amazing." Jay blushed more. Carlos looked at him.

"I'm the ugliest kid on the Isle compared to Harry Hook." Carlos sighed.

"Harry may be handsome but you're hot and hot is better than handsome in my book." Jay smiled. "Why don't we get to know a bit about each other?"


"Let's start of with favourite song, colour and villain."

"Ok. My favourite song is Uptown Funk, my favourite colour and my favourite villain is Hades."

"Hades is super funny." Jay moved his hair from his face.

"It's your turn."

"My favourite song is That's What I Like, villain is Cruella De Vil and colour is the colour of your jacket." Jay pointed to Carlos' black and white jacket.

"But it's so dirty and faded." Carlos took off his jacket.

"I like dirty." Jay smiled.

"Let's star gaze." Carlos lay down. Jay lay down next to him and they spotted star animals in the sky. They folded up their jackets to use as pillows so their heads wouldn't feel any pain from the stone roof.

"The stars do look beautiful." Jay looked at Carlos. "Just like you."

"I'm ugly, Jay. I've told you that." Carlos looked at Jay's lips. He felt like they were teasing him. All he wanted to do was to kiss Jay just for a second. Carlos had daydreamed about kissing Jay and he wondered what it would be like to kiss his crush.

"Carlos?" Jay knew that Carlos was zoning out.

"Sorry, you just look so hot right now." Carlos mumbled. Jay heard it and smirked.

"Do you really think so?" Jay got close to Carlos' face. Carlos didn't answer the question. The cat had got his tongue. Jay rolled on top of Carlos. "Do you think I'm hot?" Jay whispered into Carlos' ear before gently biting it. Carlos held back his moans. Jay bit his lip seductively and he lay down next to Carlos again.

"Yes. I do think you're hot." Carlos whispered. Jay gently placed his lips on Carlos'. Carlos yelped in surprise but he soon started kissing Jay back. Jay's lips were so soft, they were way better than heaven. Jay pinned his hips against Carlos' and they moaned into the kiss. They both sat up and their hands roamed each other's bodies. Carlos opened his mouth and Jay massaged Carlos' tongue with his own. Carlos fought back and he ended up dominating Jay's tongue. Carlos bit Jay's lip which made Jay moan. Jay moaned and Carlos took off his shirt. Jay starred at his abs as Jay took off his shirt to reveal his abs.

"Damn, Carlos. You got some nice abs." Jay smirked and he attached his lips to Carlos' neck. Carlos moaned softly at Jay's lips and tongue on his skin. Jay bit down on Carlos' skin with a smirk on his face. Carlos grabbed Jay's face and they kissed again with more love and lust. Carlos kissed down Jay's face until he reached Jay's shoulders. He glazed his tongue on Jay's skin and he made sure he left his mark with a simple hickey. Jay moaned softly and he kissed Carlos one last time before they parted.

"I love you, Jay." Carlos smiled.

"I love you too, puppy." Jay kissed Carlos again. It was short but loving.

"I should get home." Carlos climbed down the rope and he ran back home. Luckily, Cruella was asleep. Carlos immediately climbed into bed and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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