Video games

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Carlos walked into his dorm. Dude immediately ran up to him. Jay was playing Five Nights At Freddy's online on their big TV. He had his headphones on so he could speak to his friend.

"What the fuck, Herkie?" Jay laughed. "Your mom can say some messed up shit sometimes to Rox."

I don't think he knows I'm home. Carlos laughed at his crush. Jay was the reason Carlos was gay and Carlos was happy about that. Carlos had had a crush on Jay for a few months and Carlos treasured every little moment between them.

"Ben's just joined the chat, Herkie." Jay almost screamed as he was jumped scared. "Foxy just jumped scared me, dudes. What? Nah mate. I haven't seen Chica yet. Is she? Oh. Round three? GTA? Why not?" Jay started playing GTA. Carlos snuck up behind Jay and he sat behind him on his bed. Carlos moved the mic from out of Jay's face.

"Hi, Jay." Carlos wrapped his arms around Jay's stomach.

"Hey, Carlos." Jay moved the mic to his lips. "Ben, you bastard!" Jay was shot by Ben in the game. "Fuck, you Ben!"

"How about we forget the game and we have some us time?" Carlos asked.

"Right after this round." Jay told Carlos. "Carlos is home, guys." Jay's character got out an assault rifle. "Suck on this, bitches!" Carlos was getting annoyed so he nibbled on Jay's earlobe. Jay held back a moan. "I'll be back in a sec." Jay switched off his headphones as he exited the game. "What are you doing, Carlos?"

"Ever since you've gotten your Xbox, we haven't had any fun." Carlos whined. "Come on, babe. Let's have some fun." He whispered seductively in Jay's ear. Jay moaned as Carlos bit his earlobe. Carlos kissed down his face until he reached his neck. Jay couldn't stop his moans.

"Are you teasing me?" Jay was screaming in his head because of how sexy his crush was acting towards him.

"Maybe." Carlos took off Jay's shirt to have access to his collarbone and shoulders. "What if I am?" Carlos wouldn't drop the seductive voice.

"Stop teasing me, Car." Jay moaned loudly.

"All I want is to have some fun." Carlos walked in front of Jay and he sat down in front of him. "Look, if you don't want this." Carlos pointed to his lips. "Then you can happily go back to your game. I know you want me 'cause I want you, baby." Carlos gave Jay his headphones. "Your choice." Jay thought for a moment then he stood up, walked over to his Xbox and he switched it off. Carlos walked behind him and kissed his neck.

"Damn, Carlos." Jay slammed Carlos against the wall and he brung his lips to Carlos'. Carlos kissed back, lightly brushing his lips on Jay's. The kiss became heated to the point were the teen boys were having a war with their tongues. They got to explore each other's mouths while their hands were traveling around their bodies. Jay moved from Carlos' lips to his neck. Carlos jumped up at Jay and he wrapped his arms around Jay's waist. Jay smirked and he lay Carlos down on a bed, taking off his shirt slowly to tease the freckled teen. Carlos stretched out his neck so Jay had full access to it. Carlos rubbed Jay's shoulders back and forth as little moans escaped his mouth. Jay left a trail from Carlos' neck to his lips from where his tongue had been glazing his boyfriends skin. Carlos pulled Jay in for another kiss.

Carlos bit down on Jay's lip. Jay moaned which gave Carlos access to his mouth so Carlos lightly massaged Jay's tongue with his own. Jay sucked on Carlos' upper lip gently then he got back to kissing him. Jay nibbled on Carlos' bottom lip as Carlos let out a moan. Jay slipped his tongue into Carlos' mouth so Carlos sucked on it for a second. It didn't feel weird to Jay. He didn't know how to feel but weird wasn't the answer he was looking for. Jay rubbed the back of Carlos' teeth with his tongue. Carlos' hands grabbed Jay's hips tightly as he grinded his body on his boyfriend's. Then his hands moved up and down Jay's chest, touching his abs. One of Jay's hands caressed Carlos' shoulder while the other hand cradled his face. Jay felt Carlos' hand slide from his abs to his hair and he felt a little finger run through his long locks and a slight tug at his hair. Carlos scraped Jay's neck and his back. They parted, both needing air.

"That was fun." Jay panted but he smiled down at the smaller teen.

"Oh, we're not done yet." Carlos flipped them so he was on top of Jay. He moved Jay's hair to one side and he left peck kisses on Jay's neck. Jay rubbed Carlos' back slowly and he kept his hands busy while Carlos gave him pleasure from his neck. The brown haired teen stretched out his neck, just like how Carlos did for him, and he moaned as Carlos kissed up and down his neck as well as leaving kisses on his collarbone and shoulder. Carlos gently caressed Jay's skin with his lips and he smirked at Jay moaning his name.

"Carlos! Babe!" Jay moaned.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you, Daddy?" Carlos brought be his seductive voice. Jay only moaned. Carlos used the tip of his tongue to glaze up and down Jay's neck. Carlos breathed on Jay's neck, making the older boy shiver at his hot breathe on his skin.

"You're driving me crazy, Carlos!" Jay moaned. Carlos got back to kissing Jay's neck but he licked Jay's skin as he kissed his neck. Carlos started biting on the skin, lifting it up a bit before letting go of it. Carlos licked from where he was on his neck to Jay's lips where they shared one last soft kiss before laying next to each other. "I didn't know you could kiss that well, Carlos."

"I try." Carlos shrugged his shoulders. "So, do you want to get back to your little car game?"

"Hell no. I want to spend the rest of the day with you." Jay peck kissed Carlos' cheek before they snuggled underneath the covers of the bed.

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