A special treat

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Carlos and Jay walked into their dorm together. They sat down on the floor.

"What did you get from the bakery?" Jay asked Carlos.

"This." Carlos showed Jay a chocolate sponged cupcake with strawberry, chocolate, vanilla and banana icing. It was decorated with pastel coloured sprinkles.

"The bakery only does those once a year. How could you afford it?" Jay was in shock at how Carlos got his favourite cupcake. It was Jay's favourite as well.

"I save up especially for these." Carlos took off the wrapper.

"Please can I have a bit?" Jay asked. Carlos thought for a moment.

"I don't see why not." Then he bit the cupcake and he held it in his mouth. Jay turned away.

"I've changed my mind." Jay dug out a chocolate chipped cookie.

"Oh. Ok then." Carlos started eating the cupcake. "Wow. This is delicious. It's a shame the bakery only makes these once a year. This is the best cupcake in the world." Carlos finished the cupcake as Jay jumped on top of him.

"Were you trying to make me jealous?"

"Y-Yes." Carlos gulped.

"You have some icing on your lip." Jay sucked on Carlos' bottom lip. "Wow. That really is delicious." Jay closed his eyes and he attached his lips with Carlos'. Carlos closed his eyes and he kissed Jay back. Jay placed his hips on Carlos' causing both of them to moan. Jay kept on rubbing their hips together so they two teens couldn't stop moaning. Jay massaged Carlos' tongue with his own. Carlos unbuttoned Jay's shirt and he threw it across the room after he took off his own shirt. Jay kept on rubbing his hips on Carlos' and kissed down Carlos' face until he reach his collarbone. Carlos moaned Jay's names loudly as he felt Jay bite his skin. After a minute, Carlos flipped them so he was on top of Jay.

"You're mine now." Carlos smiled down at Jay.

"Oh, so you want it that way." Jay whispered into Carlos' ear seductively before biting his earlobe and lightly pulling it. Carlos moaned. "Do what you must." Jay exposed all of his neck to Carlos. Carlos smirked as his canvas. Carlos got to work and he kissed Jay's neck. Jay moaned and moaned and moaned the more contact Carlos gave him on his neck. Carlos licked Jay's neck from the top of his neck to his shoulder before biting down on his neck a few times. Jay grabbed Carlos' face and they kissed again. Jay explored Carlos' mouth with his tongue while Carlos was doing the same to him, grinding himself on Jay, running his fingers along the rim of Jay's pants and tugging at Jay's hair. Both of the teens moaned into the kiss. The kiss maybe sloppy but none of them seem to care. Carlos pulled away. A long string of saliva connected their mouths. "I didn't know you could kiss that well."

"Are you questioning my abilities?"

"What if I am?"

"Then shut up."

"Make me." Jay smirked up at Carlos.

"Does some hottie want a round two?" Carlos asked.

"Please, baby." Jay pleaded. "I'm going to go crazy if-." Jay was cut off my Carlos' lips against his.

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