Valentines day

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Jay and Carlos were both gay. Everyone, but Mal and Evie, thought that they were as straight as straight can get. Valentine's Day was approaching so Jay wanted to tell Carlos his feelings towards him and Carlos wanted to do the same but not how Jay wanted to.

'Hey, Jay." Mal and Evie walked into Jay's dorm. Carlos was out with Dude.

"Hey, girlies." Jay didn't look up from his notepad.

"Watcha doing?" Mal sat down next to him.

"Planning a date with Carlos. I want to ask him to be my boyfriend." Jay smiled.

"Aww." Evie hugged him.

"We were gonna ask you if you wanted to come out with me and Evie for a VK day but we see that you're busy." Mal smiled.

"Yeah. I would love to, girls. I really would I just want to get this sorted but I'm down for tomorrow." Jay closed his notepad.

"Want some help setting up?" Mal asked him.

"Sure. Thanks, guys." Jay showed them the notes he had written down.

"We'll go get the food." Evie dragged Mal out of the dorm with the notepad.

"Girls." Jay chuckled as he started decorating he dorm for his date with Carlos. Half an hour later, he was ready and the girls had come back with a bag full of food.

"I told you not to run." Evie shoved Mal.

"Thanks again, girls." Jay took the bag.

"Looking good, Jay." Mal smiled at the decorations and the candles.

"I'm hoping this isn't too much for Carlos." Jay blushed.

"Aww, you're blushing." Evie grinned.

"Shut up." Jay finished setting up the food. "I'm gonna go find Carlos."

"Bye." Mal and Evie left him as he ran to the Tourney field.

"Hey, Jay." Carlos smiled. "Go get Jay, Dude." Carlos let go of Dude and he ran into Jay's arms.

"Hey, Carlos. Hi, Dude." Jay picked up Dude.

"What's up? Have you seen the girls?" Carlos walked over to him.

"Yeah. They came round to say hi. They want to know if we want to have a VK day tomorrow."

"I would love to." Carlos smiled.

"Cool." Jay placed Dude on the floor. "Hey, Carlos, can we talk?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"I know we've been friends for years and you mean more to me than anyone in the world and that's why I want to ask you if...if you want to be my boyfriend."

"I do." Carlos hugged him. Jay hugged him back.

"I have a surprise for you." Jay led Carlos inside their dorm.

"Jay, this is beautiful."

"Anything for my prince." Jay pulled Carlos closer to him. "I love you."

"I love you." Carlos blushed. Jay closed the space between them and he blushed at the softness of Carlos' lips. Carlos started kissing back. Carlos swiped Jay's bottom lip with his tongue to ask for an entrance. Jay accepted it and Carlos explored Jay's mouth. Jay pinned Carlos against their door and he moved to Carlos' neck. Carlos moved his head to the side and he looked at the ceiling so Jay could have more access to his neck. Jay kissed up and down Carlos' neck and leaving it a bite or two to make sure he left his mark. Carlos moaned softly which made Jay smirk.

Jay moved back to Carlos' lips and he wasted no time to slip his tongue back into Carlos' mouth to massage his tongue with his own. Jay rubbed his hips against Carlos' for a few seconds which caused both of the boys to moan. Jay pulled at Carlos' waist to ask him to jump up at him. Carlos got the memo and he jumped up at Jay, wrapping his legs around Jay's waist. Jay lay Carlos down on one of the two beds in the room and Carlos moved Jay's hair to one side and he flipped them. Carlos started gently kissing Jay's neck which caused Jay to moan. Carlos removed Jay's shirt so he could move to his collarbone.

Jay took off Carlos' shirt and as Carlos was pleasuring him. His hands were roaming Carlos' chest. Carlos moved back to Jay's lips and it became more loving and more lustful. Carlos parted from the kiss causing Jay to whine.

"That was amazing, baby." Jay peck kissed Carlos' cheek.

"Not as amazing as you." Carlos lay next to Jay. The snuggled down together in each other's arms.

"Shut up." Jay blushed.

"Make me." Carlos smirked.

"Ready for round 2?" Jay connected their lips again. None of the boys wasted anytime and they had a battle with their tongues. Jay won and he explored Carlos' mouth. Carlos moaned into Jay's mouth. Jay smirked and he pulled away and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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