Chapter Two

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"So get this-" The one and only Sam fucking Winchester starts to says to his older brother Dean Winchester who was eating a piece of cherry pie at this fast food place they found called 'Carrie's Loft'.

"-I got a call from one of dad's old friends and-"

"Whoa whoa! Slow down Sammy, what is their name?" Dean asks in the mist of chewing some of his pie, Sam sighs and rolls his eyes at his brother's pie loving nature. Sam wipes pie crumbs that flew out of Dean's mouth off his face before continuing.  

"He said his name is 'Roger James.' and he's an ex-hunter now principal of some school." 

"And this is important because?" 

"Well he said that something has been possessing students and making them do things like beat up other students to the point of near death, drug each other, and violating property." 

"Any commit suicide?"

"Yeah, actually." Sam breathed out which made Dean raise an eyebrow, half in shock and half in  confusion. Upon seeing to look on Dean's face, Sam decided to elaborate.

"One girl, Lauren Forcible, jumped off a the Empire State Building and her body disappeared shortly after, then a boy, Carmen Jones, tried to swallow a handful of Temazepam pills but was found by his mother as soon as he put the pills in his mouth."

"Sounds like an angry ghost."

"But here's the thing, it only happens to kids who have either horrible lives, bad grades, or who has fallen off the social ladder."

"So Lauren Forcible-"

"-Is missing her mother and her father put her up for adoption when she was seven."

"-And let me guess, Carmen Jones either fell off the social ladder or had bad grades."

"Poor kid was getting D- in everything."

"Well, let's head to?"

"Manhattan, New York." Sam answers before handing Dean the rest of the info Roger gave him. Dean looked it over before letting out a small sigh.

"Well this is gonna be Goode."


"Hey Jackson!" A bulky blond teen shouts.

Don't turn around, just keep running! Was all the raven haired teen thought as he expertly sprints through though the busy streets of Manhattan. He didn't want his "parents" to fake worry about him. 

"Get back here nerd!" Another boy called out and chased after him, pushing people out of their way and trying to reach the boy as quickly as possible. 

Run faster!  Was another popular thought the ocean green eyed boy thought as he runs out of the alley way he entered, then he collided into someone. 

"Hey!" A deep male voice slightly shouts at the teen, but all he does is run in to the alley way across from the man he bumped into.

"Did you see the direction of the kid that ran through here mister?" The blond haired teen from before asks the man, and he caught on why the kid ran into the other alley.

"Yeah, he went this way." the man states pointing in to opposite direction of the real way the kid ran. 

"Thanks mister, common guys!" The blond shouts as he runs in the direction the man pointed in. The teen walks out of his hiding spot and looks up to see who told the group of football players to go the wrong way, when he is met with a pair of eyes looking straight at him.

Bright fanfiction green eyes were met with a pair of darkened sea-glass green eyes. 

They looked at each other for what felt like hours to both (but was really about two minutes), until the boy did something that surprised the man.

He signed a 'Thank you' before disappearing into the crowd.

"Dude?" Another man asked shaking the smaller male a little. "You ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."


"Percy! You're late! Again!" A brown haired woman shouts at her son.

'Sorry not sorry bitch.' He signed.

"Percy, you know we don't understand sign language. Can you please just speak to us?" Paul asked.

'Nope! Sorry asshat.' Percy smirks and a little brown haired girl about three years old runs up to him.

"P.J's home!" She giggles and hugs her older "half-brother's" leg, he gives her a light smile before crouching down.

'How's my Star-Shine?' Percy signs to her before she giggles again.

"I'm good!" 

'Wanna go play Estella?' He asks and she nods before running off to her room. Percy was about to follow himself until his "mother" grabs his arm.

"We will talk about your behavior later." She sturnly states and Percy rips his arm out of Sally's grasp.

'No we won't bitch.' He signs quickly before walking to his sister's room, only to find her sitting on the rocking chair in the corner of the room. Just rocking back and forth, letting the back of the chair collide with the light baby pink wall behind it. He picks her up and sits down, holding her close to his chest while rocking back and forth. 

"Jesse!" Estella quietly whispers. "Can we just whisper to each other?"

"Sure." Jesse aka Percy whispers back to her.

And that's what they do every day. He told her his secret because she wouldn't blow up at him, so she calls him by his real name whenever their alone and because of that, he talks to her.

The difference between everyone around him though, Sally and Paul, his "cousins", and Poseidon, he thinks of Estella as his actual sister.

And both heaven and hell should know not to fuck with his sister.  

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