Chapter Fourteen

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"How is he?" 

The nurse was startled, she turns to come face to face with a man and a girl.

The same pair that always comes in.

"Only short visits." Nurse Summers tells them sternly. She saw the two visibly relax.

"My brother's going to be fine?" The girl asks unsure and Nurse Summers bends down to her level.

"Yes sweetie." She coos and the girl hugs her quickly before running into the boy's hospital room.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on him." She hears the man say and she turns to look at him.

"A deals a deal Dean Winchester." She hisses and walks down the hall.


Jesse was aware of everything, but pretended not to be for the sake of his sanity.

He saw her, Charlotte, everywhere. 

That dark corner.


And that empty chair.

She's always sitting there.

Well, was.

She disappeared after day three.

But let's not talk about that now.

Let's talk about his visitors.

He never looked forwards to visits unless they were from Derek.

Derek knew everything about him and Jesse was the same with Derek.

Jesse loves whenever Derek would come at the busiest time of the day when there was no one really at the front desk and they didn't have anyone sign in.

Because no one payed attention to a broken boy, at least that's what a nurse said.

But the time's when anyone else came.

He was quiet, staring out the window.

Pretending to be in a comatose state.


Estella just stares at her brother. 

She wanted to scream 

She wanted to run up to him and shout in his face.

She wanted to scowled him for being so selfish.

She wanted to pound her fists on his chest.

She wanted to preach hate on him.

She knew she couldn't.

She couldn't blame him.

She knew it wasn't his fault that he was pushed over the edge.

She knew she couldn't hate him.

So instead she climbs up on a chair, and sits down. Holding his hand.

"Percy, I...I'm sorry." Was all she was able to utter. Dean came in, they sat there for a couple of minutes. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, they left.

Estella thought back to earlier when she found in his room a box labeled Estella's Fifteenth Birthdy.

It felt like a cruel joke, cause inside was a cute picture of the two of them, him in a blue hoodie holding a baby Estella, who was wrapped up in a purple blancket. He was laughing in the picture as she touches his face.

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