Chapter Eighteen

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All that could be heard threw out the warehouse was a thudding. 

It surprised the group of teens.

What surprised them more was who was there.

It was that ex-mute from their school, and he seemed to be beating a punching bag.

"Stupid parents. Stupid school. Stupid everything!" He shouts and punches the bag off of it's chain.

By then, the teens left.

They decided it wasn't their place to stay.



Said hunter turned to see a familiar face running over to him.

"Hey Sera." He casually said with a small smirk and she stopped in front of him quickly catching her breath.

"I know who's controlling the ghost!" She hisses and Dean pales.



"I love you."

Derek was cuddling Jesse, letting the younger male curl up to his side.

"I love you too Der." Jesse coos and touches Derek's face, planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"I don't want this to end." Jesse sighs happily and rests his head against Derek's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Sadly all good things must end.

"PERCY!" Sally's voice shouts and the echoing of footsteps was heard from downstairs.

The lovers jumped up and ran to the window, Derek slipped one leg out when Jesse stops him.

"Come back soon." Jesse whispers before planting a kiss on his lover's lips.

"Don't worry I will." Derek replies and kisses back before sliding out. 

"Bye." Jesse whispers out. Jesse brushes his fingers over his lips before hearing a knock on his door.

"Percy? Can we come in?" 

It was Dean.

Jesse quickly closes the window and picks up the nearest book he could find. Which, funny enough, was IT by Stephan King, and laid down on his bed. 

"Come in!" He calls.


Dean stood outside Percy's bedroom door with Sam, Sera, and Matt. There was a whispering coming from his room, yet no one entered.

That's when Dean decided to knock.

"Percy? Can we come in?" He calls and hears a shuffling.

"Come in!" Was the response that was given. So that's what he did.

He slowly opened the door and saw that Percy was reading on his bed. He walked in with the others trailing behind him, Percy didn't even look up from his book.

"Welcome to the Batcave." Percy states, almost seriously. Dean looks around.

Walls painted a deep blue, floor a black carpet, a TØP poster as well as P!ATD posters, Imagine Dragon posters, and FOB posters  littered the walls, one wall had a mural of a lush green willow tree and a fox running on a green hill, the roof was black with a galaxy painted on it.

A few picture hung on the walls, all were silhouette pictures of different things.

A tree in the distance with the sun behind it.

Estella looking over her shoulder in moon light.

A house in a rainy day.

But one caught his eye the most.

It was a man standing in front of a burned down house, he seemed to be looking at it instead of the lush trees around it.

It made Dean sympathies for whoever that person was.

"Do you really have a fucking Batman poster?" Sera asks drawing attention to her. She was staring at a wall with Batman and Robin as well as other characters on it.

"What can I say? I like the Bat Clan." He answers and puts his book down, sitting up and criss-cross on his bed. But he soon got up and walked over to Dean and tapped him on the shoulder, asking for him to move so he could turn the lights on.

"What can I do for you today?" He states and stares at us expectantly.

"We know who's controlling the ghost." Matt states and Percy chuckles, leaving them all confused.

"Why are you laughing? This is serious, this person wants you dead!" Sam explains harshly and Percy smirks before standing. He grabs a jacket and walks over to the window before opening it.

"I already know who it is as well." 


Sam was in such a state of shock that he didn't even register it before it was to late.

Percy slid out the window. 

Everyone runs to the window and looks out to see that Percy rolled on the ground and salutes to them before running off to the Impala.

"Wait-" Dean starts and pats his pant pockets before looking up at the ceiling.

"SON OF A BITCH!" He shouts and Sam smiles a bit.

"He stole-" Sam starts and Dean finishes that sentence with him.

"-your/my keys."


"You stole his car?" Derek laughs and Jesse nods with a proud smile on his face as the werewolf steps into the '67 Chevy Impala.

"Wow, you are a little shit." Derek teases lovingly and Jesse fake pouts.

"How could you say that about me?" He questions as he steps on the gas.

"You know I love you." 


"Oh shut up Queen."

"Make me King!" 

Derek leans in close and presses a quick peck on his cheek, making Jesse hum in approval.

"Thanks for that King."

"Your welcome Queen."


"There's that little shit!" Dean shouts as he drives Matt's car to the beach. Sam braces himself as Dean increases speed.

"Dean slow down!" Sera hisses and Dean growls.

"If he scratched Baby, ohh he's dead!" Dean shouts and stops the car.

"Dean, up there." Sam points and they see two figures by Impala. One was definitely Percy, but the other was someone they didn't know. It was obviously a man, but the age and who he was was unknown.

"Who is that?" Matt asks and Sera shrugs.

"No clue."

Percy and the stranger were talking before Percy leaned in and kissed him. The man kissed back and moves away, he says something before kissing him one last time and leaving. They watch as Percy leans against Impala and sighs, brushing his fingers over his lips. 

That's when Dean decided to make them known.


"Hey guys...please tell me you saw nothing!" Percy nervously states. They all look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Ok, uh, I can explain!"

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