Chapter Six

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Dean sighs softly in frustration as Percy, Sera, and Matt left with the Blofis family and the Salon family. His emotions were a mix of anger and disappointment, anger at the situation, and disappointment at not doing anything.

"What the hell!" Dean shouts turning to face Roger, who in turn also sighs.

"I never thought I would have to give my own daughter detention." He sadly grumbles and Dean's harsh look softens. Well it went from titanium from iron but you get the point. 

"Do you have any leads on what could make the students do this to each other?" Sam quickly changes the topic to what they were talking about before Sera came in and Roger nods.

"Sera went to visit Carmen Jones in the hospital and he told her that he saw this girl whenever he went to cut or when his parents yell at him for bad grades." Roger explains.

"Ok, anything else?" Dean asks, still a little pissed off but now he's just kinda curious.

"Yes actually, Sera said that when she told him he was possibly just hallucinating, he responded with 'Then why did she look like Ms. Ross?'" Once Roger explains Sam and Dean just look at each other.

"Ms. Ross?" Sam states.


"Welcome to detention." Sam tries not to cringe at his own words, there weren't a lot of kids in detention. Only Sera, Matt, Percy, and the new kids who got in detention for exploding the science room and destroying the lunch room with a food fight on "accident". Dean was sitting next to Percy who was trying to take a nap. His head was tilted back and one arm was draped over his eyes.

"Great, stuck in here with Jackson!" Matt angrily shouts with a pointed finger at Percy, who in return looks down at him and flips him off. Sera giggles a little at this and moves to sit next to him, Percy raises an eyebrow as Sera places herself in the seat next to him.

"What?" She asks and he just turns to Dean and signs.

"'Nobody wants to sit with a mistake like me.'" Dean repeats and Sam could see the anger radiating off of him. Sam shoots Dean a look that said 'Calm yourself or I'll get Crowley to drag your ass back to hell.' and in return, Dean gave him a look that said 'Shut up, you and Cas are card carrying members of the 'Dean told me not to do something but I did it anyways and it broke the world' club.'

"Well, I am happy for your existence!" Sera replies slightly awkwardly, but with a smile non the less. Percy did something that surprised everyone, well except for Dean, he smiles.

"Wait, JACKSON IS SMILING!" Matt shouts in disbelief and Percy's smile quickly vanishes. His hands move quickly.

"'Yeah, I can smile, I mean, I have a mouth.'" Dean translates and Matt glows red with embarrassment.

"Mr. Winchester?" Piper asks sweetly while standing up and leaning on the desk.

"Yes Ms. McClain?" Sam responds slightly irritated by being called 'Mr. Winchester'. He just wasn't used to it. And he was reading "Of Human Bondage" which was really good so far.

"Can you please let us go early?" Her voice seems to have gotten more charming and sweet as well as melodic once it reached Sam's ears, but he just brushed that away.

"No Ms. McClain. You won't get out of detention that easily." He responds with a monotone voice and Piper's jaw drops as well as the group of people she was sitting with.

"Is there a problem?" Sam sarcastically asks, looking up slightly with an eyebrow raised and Piper furiously shakes her head no before sitting down. A soft knock was heard against the door and Ms. Ross pokes her head into the room.

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