Chapter Eight

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Not gonna lie...some of you are gonna hate me...because of one detail that's gonna be's a hint about book two...sorry not sorry ;)

Sam woke up to an unusual sight.

He was in a bed, not at the motel he and Dean were staying at, and there was a figure next to him.

That's when the events of last night got to him.

He went to a bar, saw-

"Alex?" He questions and nudges the figure. The person groans and slowly sits up. Yep, it was Alex.

"Wha-HOLY SHIT!" Alex shouts when she notices Sam.

"Did we?" She continues, slightly panicking.

"I think so."

"Aw fuck!"


Dean woke up to a different sight as well.

He was laying on the couch of the motel and Sera was on his bed. Dean looks at the teen with a fatherly love. She starts to stir.

"Dean?" Sera yawns propping herself up with an elbow slowly and rubs her eyes.

"Yeah Sera?" He groans as he gets up off the rough couch. She swings her legs over the side of the bed and puts her hands in her lap.

"What do I do?"

"About what?"

"About my dad."

"Trust me when I tell you that Sam and I are gonna gank the ghost."

"I trust you."


Jesse's morning was normal.


If you count objects hovering in the air, things thrown around the room, and a shaking, crying teen curled up into a ball on his bed normal...

Then yes, Jesse's morning was completely normal.

"NO!" He screams and everything hovering falls to the floor and he bolts up.

"Not again." He softly cries.

See, Jesse has nightmares about hell, two people fighting heaven and hell, demons and angels telling him to get involved, Lucifer and Micheal taking their vessels, purgatory, and more things like that.

He takes an old shirt and wipes his sweat, he groans getting up off the bed. Jesse shakily makes his way to his bathroom. Still fully clothed, he steps into the shower and turns the water on. He turns and sinks down to the ground with his back to the wall, he just lets it all out.

He screams.

Thudding of footsteps echos throughout the semi quiet house and the bathroom door opens to show his neighbor.

"Jesse!" He cries and immediately is at the boy's side. He doesn't care if he gets wet, as long as Jesse is alright he'll deal with the water.

"D-Der?" The poor Antichrist whimpers, his screams dying down to soft cries and hiccups. The man sighs with relief and touches his forehead to the teens.

"Are you alright?" He calmly asks and Jesse nods.

"Stay with me?"



I wouldn't lie to you, I simply cannot.

Jesse is a fighter.

Just like how Dean is a survivor.

And just like how Sam is a warrior.

But fighters are also lovers, right?

That man, his neighbor, is his lover. Yes, after his thing with Annabeth, he realized he was getting attracted to both genders.

Which also means that his neighbor and him hit it off right away, considering his neighbor is actually a supernatural creature.

Hey, don't blame them. Blame God or the angels that are dicks.


"Hey, wanna get outta here for a little?" His lover lovingly asks and Jesse smiles softly.

"That sounds like a date."

"Well it is Percy."

"I've known you for years, before I took the identity of Percy. Don't call me that."

"Fine." The man laughs and helps Jesse up.

"But get changed first!"


"Alex, that's my shirt."

"Sorry!" The secretary hisses and the hunter just chuckles at her flushed face.

"This your first-"

"Oh God no!" She laughs getting her shirt on, that answer surprised Sam.

"Wow. I actually wasn't expecting that." Sam truthfully says and Alex laughs once more.

"Hey, so last night, you mentioned what happened at school."


"I wasn't at that bar because I was terrified."

"What?" Sam questions and Alex looks away.

"Alex, you can tell me." He reassures her, grabbing one of her cold hands with his own warm ones.

"I was there because I thought if I got drunk, I wouldn't have to remember that face."

"What are you talking about?

"I know that ghost."

"Really?" Sam asks and a tear slips down Alex's cheek as she looks at him.

"It was my sister." 

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