Chapter Three

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"I'm so glad you could help boys." Roger states politely to the brothers who were sitting across from him. Sam politely nodded while Dean went right in with the questions.

"Has anyone seen anything suspicious? And how are we going to hunt something that we can't look for if we can't look for it during the day?" Dean flat out asks causing Roger to chuckle and Sam to face palm at his brother's antics.

"Well we have two job positions open, one for a translator and the other for a world history teacher." Roger explains and it's Sam's turn to ask questions.

"A translator? Why do you need a translator?"

"Well, to answer both questions, we need a translator because someone did see something suspicious before Lauren Forcible committed suicide." Roger answers and they sit in silence for a few minutes. Sam and Dean thought the same thing, Who would do this?   


"Mr. Jackson, are you even paying attention?" His algebra teacher, Mrs. Christopher (who was also kinda a die hard Christian which Jesse thought was hilarious) sharply asks and Jesse just rolls his eyes.

'Yes and there's a magical fairy flying above your head. Also I'm the Antichrist.' He signed, well one thing he said was true, and she scoffed.

"No one can understand you Mr-" Ironically, that's when the speaker in the room started.

"Would Percy Jackson please come down to the Principal's Office?" The sickly sweet voice of the secretary states. To Jesse, it sounded like the secretary eats two hundred pounds of sugar every day for breakfast then decides to smoke everyday for lunch, and eats nothing but ice cream while watching Twilight for dinner.

"What did you do this time nerd?" The golden boy himself aka Jesse's main bully aka captain of the football team aka Matt Salon shouts. Little background on him, Matt never gets in trouble, he always forces Jesse to do his Greek/Rome homework, and was the biggest player in the school.

"Mr. Salon, would you please take Mr. Jackson down to the office?" Mrs. Christopher asks politely, and Matt snickers.

"Sure thing Beatrice!" 

Did I forget that Mrs. Christopher lets Matt call her Beatrice? That dirty hoe.

"Common Jackson!" Matt shouts again and walks to the back of the class and yanks Jesse up by the hood of his sweatshirt.

He drags Jesse out of the classroom by his hood and slams him into a locker. Before Jesse can recover from the impact of his head colliding into the locker, Matt's fist slams into his eye and his knee jabs into Jesse's gut sharply after.


"What's taking that boy so long?" Roger mutters, pacing behind his desk. So far they have been waiting for the boy for about five or six minutes, so imagine the surprise the three men got when a teen boy walked in, limping, holding his stomach, lip busted and bleeding, left cheek already painted with a bruise, and his right had a black eye forming.

"Percy what happened?" Roger's firmly states and the boy just shakes his head before doing something that surprises both Winchesters.

He started moving his hands in fast pattern that confused Sam and made Dean raise his eyebrows in surprise.

"Well? What did he sign?" Roger asks.

"He said 'Well jackass? What do you fucking want?'" 

Roger, the boy, and Sam look at Dean in surprise.

"What?" Dean asks and Sam just let's out an airy chuckle.

"Who are you and what have you done to my brother?" Sam jokes and Dean playfully shoves him. Roger snaps out of his shock, and cleans up his posture.

"Well Mr. Winchester, seems like you have the job. Let me get your brother situated with his job and while you wait till I get back, why don't you get to know Mr. Jackson here?" Roger states before opening the door to his office and motioned for the two to walk out.


Jesse and Dean awkwardly sat across from each other under the oak tree behind the building.

'Thank you.' He suddenly signs surprising the man across from him.

"Why a thank you?"

'Can you sign? Matt Salon is listening to us with his gang.' Jesse quickly signs, which confused Dean but he replies no less.

'I can sign. Now who is this Matt Salon kid?'

'He's an asshat that can't do homework for the life of him, since he couldn't catch me yesterday he has no Greek/Rome homework.'

'I knew you looked familiar somehow!'

'That's why I said thank you.'

'I have a question, are you mute by choice?'

'Yes. Now may I ask you a question?'

'Sure kiddo.'


'What else could I call you?'

Jesse thought for a second before replying.

'Please call me P.J'


'It stands for Percy Jackson.'

'Is that your name?'

'Yep, and you're Mr. Winchester?'

'Call me Dean, P.J.'

'Ok, now for my question, was that other man your older brother?'

'No I'm the older one.'

'Really? I have a younger sister.'

'What's her name?'

'Estella, she's five.'

'Oh that's cute. Your parents named her star?'

'I named her actually, after she was born they started fighting over what her name should be. I just picked up a pen and wrote the name down on the birth certificate.'

'They must have been furious with you P.J.'

'They got over it. They didn't care in the end, they told me that I better tell them why I wrote Estella down so I signed my reason.'

'Why did you name her Estella?'

'Well her full name is Estella Bianca Blofish.'

'Bianca? It's a nice name.'

'My cousin on my dad's side had a sister named Bianca, she saved my life by pushing me out of the way of a speeding car. So it felt necessary to use that as her middle name.'

'But what about Estella.'

'A friend I had told me that if he was a girl his mom was going to name him Estella.'

'Do you have a nickname for her?'

'Do you have a nickname for your Sasquatch of a brother?'  

'Yeah actually, his name is Samuel, people call him Sam, I am the only person aloud to call him Sammy.'

'I call Estella Star-Shine.'

'That's cute P.J.'

'Thanks De.'


'Your nickname.'

'I can roll with that.' 

'Ok then De.'

'Ok then P.J.'

They didn't know it at the time but a certain man-hating goddess was watching them as well as a certain angel of Team Free Will.  

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