Chapter Four

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Happy New Years Deadly Flowers!!!! So a little clear up...

In the prospective of Jesse/Percy he refers to himself as Jesse, same with Estella.

So to everyone else, he's Percy.

And P.J doesn't stand for Percy Jackson, it stands for Percy Jesse,) aka both of the people he is. Also Gabriel is alive. Ok, that's all...

The Greatest Showman is the greatest thing to ever happen to me!!!

Bye Bitches!



A red headed beauty with startling silver eyes walked into a giant gold and bronze room that had large thrones placed in the shape of an omega. A large hearth was placed in the center where a small ten year old was sitting, tending to it's flames, the young girl smiles to the hunter.

"Hello Artemis, need to call a meeting?" The girl said in a soothing voice and the red head nods then she brought out a silver bow and launching a silver arrow into the hearth, she signaled a meeting. Her family flashed in with different colored lights.

"Artemis? Daughter, why have you called this meeting?" The king also known as Zeus booms loudly, Artemis just falls to a knee and bows her head.

"Father, I found him."

And with those words the room goes crazy.

"Well, I think we know what needs to happen!" A man with a colorful fishing shirt shouts, his voice making everyone else shut up.

"But brot-"

"I think you don't get the picture." A new voice says, a voice that they never heard before.

"Who are you?" A woman wearing white also known as Hera asks to the man who enters the room with his tan trench coat flapping behind him slightly.

"I am Castiel, Angel of the Lord."


"Mr. Jackson, would you care to answer the question?" Sam asks and the boy looks up at him before turning to Dean.

'De, can you tell Sasquatch that the answer is "Hamilton died in a duel with his old friend Arron Burr who was running for president but didn't make it because Hamilton told the public that his vote was on Thomas Jefferson."' Percy quickly signs to Dean, who nods and turns to his baby brother.

"His answer is that Hamilton died in a duel with his old friend Arron Burr who was running for president but didn't make it because Hamilton told the public that his vote was on Thomas Jefferson." Dean repeats and Sam nods.

"Correct. Good job Mr. Jackson." Sam praises lightly, and all Percy does is lower his head again. Dean looks at the kid with a small smile.

"Look at the loser. Don't I look better?" A cocky and idiotic voice fails to whisper to someone else and Dean turns to see that ass Matt Salon trying to talk to the blonde girl next to him, she just shushed him before turning back to the lesson.

"Common babe." Matt flirted and was practically flirting with the poor girl and Dean wasn't having any of that, so he let out a low whistle and when Sammy looked over at him, Dean nodded his head at Matt. Sam seemed to get what Dean was trying to do.

"Mr. Salon, would you like to stop slobbering over Ms. Wilson and actually pay attention to my lesson?" Sam asks with an eyebrow raised and everyone's heads turned to Matt and poor Katie.

"O-Ok Mr. Winchester!" Matt answers embarrassed and a small smug smirk places itself onto Dean's face and he turns to look back at Percy only to find that he was hiding a small smile himself. Dean feels his smirk turn into another small smile.

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