Chapter 2

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Laura's POV

I was awoken by a blaring alarm clock. I slammed my fist down on it and felt around for my phone. After I received it, I pressed the home button for the time.


Why am I up at 6:35 in the morning? I groggily get out of bed and go slide on my slippers. After that I grab my robe and go downstairs. My moms settled at the stove while my dad is sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Good morning sweetie," he moves the paper to the side. "Sleep well?"

"Yes." I say.

My mom doesn't turn around either. "Morning honey."

"Why am I up so early?" I ask puzzled.

My mother gives a chuckle while my father bites back a smile. I shoot them both puzzled glances and my mom finally turns around.

"Your going to high school!" She shouts excitedly.

My mouth falls open and spits about to drool out. I snap my mouth shut and give them both bone crushing hugs. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I repeat and give them a peck on the cheek.

I run upstairs while my mother shouts after me, "school starts at 7:45!"

I yell back an okay and hurry to my room to pick an outfit.

An hour later I'm dressed and ready to go. I'm rushing my mom out the door so she can hurry and drive me to school. She tossed me the keys and told me wait in the car and that she'll be out in a minute. Seconds later she came out and I handed her the keys while I buckled my seatbelt. She started the car then buckled hers and started to back out the driveway. Meanwhile I'm in the passengers seat bouncing up and down. I'm 50% nervous while the other 50 is excitement. When we get there I waste no time unhooking my seatbelt and hopping out the car. I wave my mom goodbye and she drives off. I start walking while everyone stares at me and whispers new girl. I kind of saw that coming. When I reach the doors, I open them and start walking inside.

OKAY DONE next chap will be up soon -mya

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