Chapter 5

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Laura's POV

I found the chem room WITHOUT Ross's help. Ba- BAM what?! Anyway, I entered and basically the same thing that happened in math happened in here. Of course the teacher was different; his name was Mr. Baker. This time I sat next to a girl named Cassidy. She was okay I guess, we didn't really talk that much. She was a bit nicer when saying her name but not much. The rest of the period flew by in a breeze. This time I wasn't that worried when I didn't see Ross. I kind of knew where I was going at this point.

"Miss me?" A familiar voice says.

"Not hardly." I say not even turning around.

He appears in front of me, "Loose anything lately?"

"What do you mean?" I ask puzzled.

"Check your bag." He shrugged.

I opened my bag and rummaged through it. I went over to a bench in the hall and sat down. I dumped all the contents of my book bag out on my lap. "Books, folders, binders." I mumbled.

After I put everything back into my bag, I looked up at him. "Nope everything's here."

He smirks then pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and holds it between his index and middle finger. "Positive?"

I try to snatch the paper out his grip but he lifts it above his head which is out my reach. I stand on my tip toes and jump for it. He laughs and holds it higher. I give up and move back. He unfolds the paper and reads, "Laura marano's Bucket List, how interesting?"

My eyes widen and that when I really pounce on him; knocking both me and him over and try to grab the paper. He holds it above his head and I manage to reach and grab it. It's awkward afterwards though because I'm on top of him and my boob is kind of in his face. I blush and jump to my feet while he smirks.

"Whoa whoa Laura cat, you pounced like a cheetah for that little paper?"

"It's not just a 'little paper'!" I snapped. "It's my bucket list!"

He looks at me blankly before staring off into space. A couple seconds later he looks back to me like he has an idea. He suddenly gets up and starts walking away. I roll my eyes then pull out my schedule. I have lunch next. I sigh and run to catch up to Ross.

"We need to go to my locker." I say.

He stops. "You have a map and you've been using it. What do you need me for?"

Now it's my turn to smirk. "Because you have to show me around. Obviously there was a reason you had to in the first place because even though I'm new to this whole high school thing, I do know that no random person just volunteers to show around the new girl."

He opens his mouth to retort but then snaps it shut when he realizes that he finally has no comeback. "Whatever," he mumbles. "Lets go."

I smile and start following him.

Now I'm in the cafeteria looking like a lost puppy. It's my first day and I don't really know anybody but Ross, Tilly, and Cassidy. Ross was nowhere to be found and Tilly and Cassidy were at the popular table. I sighed with my lunch tray that had 'meatloaf' on it. I started walking to a table by a trash can when I got pulled to the side. I let out a scream which made everyone stop what they were doing and look at me. I shifted my tray to my right hand and gave a shy wave. Tilly and Cassidy rolled their eyes and everyone went back to what they were doing.

"What the heck was that for?!" I hissed.

"C'mere, I want you to see something." He simply said. He moved my try out my hands and grabbed my wrist. I felt a spark but ignored it.

5 minutes later we arrived at the schools library. It felt like forever getting there because this school is pretty big.

"Why are we at the library?" I questioned. Then I smirked, "I didn't think you knew what this place was."

He ignored me and opened the door. I caught it before it closed and went in. To the right there was a Starbucks and then to the left was a sign that read 'Sweet Frog.'

"There's a frozen yogurt shop in the library?" I asked in awe and confusion.

"Yep." He said. "C'mon." He dragged me over there then opened the door. This time he held it open for me. I looked around in awe.

"I've always wanted to try frozen yogurt!" I squeal.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that." He slightly smiles. I would've questioned what he just said but I was to busy being amazed.

Ross's POV

"I've always wanted to try frozen yogurt!" Laura squeals.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that." I slightly smiled.

Just then Tilly's sister Raini comes over.

"Blondie," She says bluntly at me then turns her attention back to Laura. "Hi, I'm Raini. Welcome to Sweet Frog, is this your first time here?"

"I'm new to this school. I'm Laura." She smiles.

"Well, cups are over there, then the topping bar is to your left, and your price depends on how much your yogurt weighs. I recommend the cake batter, it's our best seller."

"Thanks." Laura says then runs to the cups.

I was about to follow but Raini grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "So your hooking up with new girls now?"

"No," I ripped my arm from her grip. "Besides it's none of your business about my love life."

She gave a dark chuckle. "Oh the contrary Lynch. She seems like a nice girl and you don't deserve to just toy with her then leave her."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not with Laura, I don't even see her that way."

"Then why are you with her?"

"Ross," Laura interrupts. "Come check this out!"

"Okay here I come," I say then turn back to Raini. "It was either this or expulsion." Then jog over to Laura.

She had a small cup and had it positioned under the cake batter flavor. After that she raced to the topping bar and added a variety of things. Gummy frogs, M&M'S, chocolate chips, sprinkles, and whipped cream. She grabbed a pink spoon and set her cup down on the scale. Her total was $7.43 plus tax and she reached in her pocket to grab her wallet but I stopped her. She looked up at me confused while I pulled out my wallet and paid. After grabbing my receipt and some napkins for Laura, we went over to one of the empty tables.

She took a seat across from me and dug her spoon in her yogurt. After swallowing her first bite she looks up at me.

"Why'd you pay for me?"

I shrugged. "I just wanted to."

"But you didn't have to..." She trailed off.

"But like I said, I wanted to."

Thankfully she just nodded and left it at that. I sighed; thankful and looked around the shop. When I felt eyes burning into my skull, I looked up at Laura and found her eating her yogurt and looking through the glass doors of the shop out into the library. When I realized it wasn't her, I looked behind me to find Raini glaring daggers at me.

"Don't even try it" She mouthed.

I smirked. "No promises." I mouthed back.

She rolled her eyes and continued flipping through her Tiger Beat magazine. I turned back around and looked back at Laura.

Number 2; check

I reached in my pocket and grabbed out a little folded piece of paper. It was My copy of Laura's list. I made a copy for me and gave her back her original one. Next is trying lays potato chips.

okayyyy yayy -mya

the bucket list; rauraWhere stories live. Discover now