Chapter 3

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Ross's POV

"And don't even get me started on your tardiness to class!" The principal shouts at me. I shrug and this angers him even more. He then starts an all new speech about respect. I roll my eyes and start to play with my fingers. All of a sudden he stops talking and I look up to see him wearing a sly smile.

"Mr. Lynch as punishment, you shall show Miss Marano around school today. She's new."

My eyes widen then I smirk. "There's no way I'm showing around fresh meat."

The smile stays on his face as he says his next sentence. "Either that or expulsion. Your pick."

My eyes almost fell outta my head. My parents would murder me if I got expelled. I dropped my smirk and sighed angrily. "Fine I'll show newbie around but don't expect me to be nice about it."

Before he could respond I got up and walked out; slamming the door behind me. I started walking to my secret spot no one knows about and I intend to keep it that way. When I get there I sit down and relax, putting my hands behind my head. I just really want this day to end already and it's just started. But in my head I knew this was only just the start of my day.

Laura's POV

As I was walking down the hallway, everyone studied my every move like I was some type of foreign species no ones ever seen before. I was hating the attention because any minute now my stage fright would kick in and I would do something stupid. I finally found my way to the office and felt relieved. I opened the door and walked in. The secretary had her gray hair in a tight bun and was typing on the computer.

"Hi, I'm Laura Marano." I say when I reach the desk.

She looks up at me and eyes me up and down before going back to her computer to check something.

"Laura marano right?" She says nasally with a hint of attitude.

I flinch and squeak out a yes. She prints my schedule, locker number, and map of the school and hands it to me.

"Thanks." I saw heading to the door.

She rolls her eyes and doesn't bother responding. I exit the office and frown a little. Well she was mean I thought. I'm surprised when I see a blond headed boy with a red leather jacket on leaning by my locker. I double check the paper twice.


This is my locker so what's he doing here? When I reach my locker, before I could ask any questions he speaks up right away.

"Names Laura and I'm supposed to show you around." He snatches my schedule out my hand and looks it over. He hands it back to me and starts walking.

When he sees I'm not following he stops. "Well aren't you coming?" He snaps as he turns around.

"B-but I didn't even get the chance to open my locker yet." I stutter out but try to sound fierce.

"So? It's a locker, there's not much to see." He rolls his eyes.

"B-but-" I get cut off as he starts walking again. I adjust my book bag and start following him. At first I speed walk to catch up to him but then slow my pace as we start to walk in sync. As we were walking down the hall, many people called out to Ross. Most of them being females. I can instantly tell he's popular or well liked in this school. When we reach my class which is math I ask, "aren't you going to come in?"

He stares at me like I've lost my mind which in his eyes I think I have. "Nope. I hate math and I don't feel like going to class. Maybe I'll be back when the periods over." He doesn't give me time to respond and walks away.

My thoughts on high school so far:

What's Ross's deal?

okayyyy -mya

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