Chapter 9

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Laura's POV

I was standing at my locker taking books out and putting some in. I hadn't talked to Ross yet this morning and didn't want to.

I close my locker and let out a scream. Ross was leaning against the locker next to mine. "Don't do that!" I screeched. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

He chuckled. "Well someone gets scared easily."

I then remembered what happened yesterday night and started walking away.

"Laura wait up," Ross called after me. I kept walking even faster till he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "What's up?"

"The sky." I said bluntly.

He rolled his eyes. "You know that's not what I meant. I meant why are you acting so weird?"

Why do you hit girls? I thought.

"Psh what?! I-I'm not a-acting weird. Whaaaaaaat?!" My voice got higher.

"Your lying." He said bluntly.

"Am not!" I defended.

Luckily at that moment the bell rung. "Well gotta go, don't wanna be late for class! Bye!" I said quickly and walking away. Woo, thank god for the bell.

I was on my way to lunch when I got pulled into a closet.

"Let go of me!" I hissed.

Ross let go in alarm and looked at me. I looked away, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Okay Ally, I'm gonna ask you one more time. What's up and don't you dare say the sky!" He warned.

I kept staring at my shoes and didn't say anything for the longest time.

"Well?" He said getting impatient.

Ross's POV

"Please don't hurt me!" She blurted out.

"What're you talking about?" I said softly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" She spat.

"If I did do you think I would be standing here asking you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Last night at the sleepover," she started. "Some things were said..."

"Like? I asked.

"We all went around in a circle naming things we liked and disliked about you. We didn't get to the 'like' part. So I heard that you were a player and abusive."

"Abusive?!" I asked shocked. "Who the hell called me abusive?!" I yelled pissed off.

"Stop yelling!" Laura snapped. "That's not gonna solve anything. Look is it true or not?"

"Well what was actually said?" I questioned.

"Long story short Cassidy said you slapped her for the three letter word that starts with an S.'' she said.

"Okay only part of that is true!" I defended.

"Which part?!" She screeched. "None of it should be!"

"I didn't drink too much, Cassidy did. She tried getting me to have sex with her so she was pissing me off and I accidentally slapped her..." I trailed off.

"How do you 'accidentally' slap a person?" She deadpanned.

"Well I tried getting her off me and ended up slapping her." I explained.

"So you did abuse her?" She asks staring back at the floor.

"I slapped her. Once. That was the only time I ever did that. Slapping someone once doesn't exactly make me abusive." I say.

Laura continues staring at the floor and silence takes us over. "I'm going to lunch." She whispers.

" Laura please wait!" I plead.

"What?" She stops, her hand gripped tightly on the door handle.

"Are we still friends?" I ask quietly.

"I don't know Ross," she sighs opening the door. "I need time to think." She walks fully out the door and disappears into the hall.

I stare out into the hallway and try to find any sign of her retreating figure.

Man you've really jacked up this time Ross!

Laura's POV

I reach the lunch room and get my lunch. After coming out the line I realize I have nowhere to sit.

"Hey Laura!" Raini calls out. "Over here!" She says rapidly waving her arms to get my attention.

I walk over to her table to see her sitting alone. "What's up?" I ask as I sit my tray down and plop down in the seat across from her.

"You looked like you needed a place to sit." She chuckles.

"Thanks. Your a real table saver." I joke.

She laughs and I join in with her. "About the sleepover." She randomly says. "The only thing that was true was the slap." She finishes.

I stare at her weirdly before I finally catch on. "Yeah," I sigh. "Found that out the hard way."

"Ross actually talked to you about it?" She asks shocked.

"Yeah why?" I question.

"That's a VERY touchy subject for Ross to talk about considering he didn't do it on purpose. He snaps at anybody for even bringing up the topic of hitting. He must really like you." She concludes.

"Why do you say that?"

"He tells you a lot of things he'd normally wouldn't say to anybody." She says.

"Really? Wow. Like what?" I ask puzzled.

"Good question," she says pulling out a notebook and a pin. She scribbles something down and then hands over the paper to me. "My cell and address, well finish this conversation at my house." She smiles before getting up and leaving.

I think I just made a new best friend. Check.

OKAY :-) :-) :-) -MYA

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