Chapter 8

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Laura's POV

Another day, another new thing that happens. It seems like everyday, something new happens. seems like something off my bucket list happens everyday but that can't be happening right? I don't know, I'll ask Ross about it later. Speaking of the devil, here he comes.

"Hey Marano." He smirks / greets.

''Lynch," I greet back. "Hey I have a question for you."

"Which is?"

"Is it me or something new from my bucket list happens everyday?" I ask.

"Laura quit being ridiculous. Do you actually think that someone stole your bucket list and is making your every wish come true? Please, that would be ridiculous." He says quickly.

I give him a questioning glance but he quickly changes the subject.

"So Tilly is having a sleepover tonight..." He trails off.


"So you should go! Wouldn't that be fun!" He says.

I look a him like he's crazy, "First of all, I don't think Tilly likes me and second, why do you want me to go?"

"Don't be ridiculous first of all and second, cause wouldn't it be fun to make some new friends?" He tries.

I sigh, "I guess it wo-"

"Perfect!" He cut me off. "I'll go talk to Tilly." He said and walked away.

What was that all about?

"So Laura," Tilly says as I sit down at my desk. "I heard you wanted to come to my sleepover."

"Um," I pause trying to find the right words. "It would be nice if I was invited..."

"Hmm," she thinks for a second. "Sure why not."

"I honestly didn't think you liked me." I blurt out.

"What made you think that?" She asks.

"Because we never talk and now I hear your having a sleepover and Ross wants me to go," I give a chuckle. "So he just randomly asks you for me."

"So Ross has something to do with this?" She says her tone changing.

"Yeah," I say cautiously. "Why?"

"Oh nothing," her tone slightly goes back to normal.

"Okayyy." I say dragging out the 'y'.

"So you and Ross have been hanging out a lot lately huh?" She questions.

"Yeah, we've gotten pretty close over the past week." I say kind of awkwardly.

"How'd you become so close?" She pushes.

"I honestly have no idea. He's a hard person to get to know. I still don't know the real Ross Lynch." I say mindlessly.

"Well, well talk more about this at my sleepover. See you tonight." She says suddenly cheery and sitting down at her desk whipping out her nail file.

Well THAT was quite odd...


"It's true," Cassidy giggled. "I had no idea it was mud!"

We all bursted out into another round of laughter. We were in the middle of embarrassing back stories and Cassidy had just got finished telling hers.

"Okay," Tilly clapped her hands together excitedly. "Now let's change the subject to... boys!" She gushed.

We all squealed while she quieted us down. "Okay so how about we talk about Ross first. We'll all go around in a circle naming the things we dislike about him. When were all finished, next well go around in yet another circle and name something we like about him."

"Okay." We all agreed.

"Okay how about you start Sandra!" Tilly says.

Sandra thinks for a moment before finally speaking. "I dated him and he was a total douche! We broke up like a week later. I was totes upset." She says melodramatically.

"He was such an idiot!" Carly says next.

"Wait, have all of you here dated Ross?" I but in.

"All except Tilly." Raini answers.

After Carly, Meena, Sam, Kortnei, and Ashely went, it was finally my turn. Well after me was Tilly. She suggested on going last for some weird reason. We all just shrugged it off though.

"He's a hard person to get to know." I say. That wasn't the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh c'mon Laura, that can't be the FIRST thing that comes to mind." Raini says. It's like she was reading my mind.

"Well not exactly..." I trail off.

"Ooh I knew it!" Tilly gushes.

"Spill," Raini demands.

"Well, he's a jerk who I thought was conceded and egotistical. Always has one of those stupid smirks implanted on his face and never listens to anyone else but him." I finally admit. I had kept this ALL bottled up since day 1.

"Wow," Tilly says. "Okay my turn. I basically just agree with Laura on this although I do have to say he's such a player which I think is obvious."

"What do you mean?" I say quickly.

"Oh Laury dear, haven't you been listening? Everyone in this room has dated Ross. And if were all going around saying bad things about him, he had to do something in the first place to make us feel this way. Besides, he's a bad boy, why not?"

"And how does he exactly ask out a girl?" I ask intrigued. It may seem like I'm asking 20 questions right now but I could care less at the moment.

"Simple. Depends on what kind of girl you are. If your a cheerleader, he'll just ask you. If your some type of other class then well like I said depends on the type of girl you are." Tilly shrugs.

My jaw clenches. "Oh and by the way," she adds. "He wouldn't go after girls like you. You know, new girls, nerds, fresh meat. No offense." She adds at the end.

"None taken," I say through gritted teeth.

"You know he's abusive to." Cassidy speaks up. Raini rolls her eyes and starts painting her toe nails while Cassidy continues. "He hit me at a party."

I stare at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. "W-what?" I stutter out.


"O-oh." I stutter out not knowing what else to say. After tonight's sleepover, I definitely know one things for sure.

I'm keeping my distance from Ross.

Yay!! :-) I'm AWKWEIRD!!!!! -MYA

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