Chapter 5.

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Jessica's POV

"He called you beautiful?!" Trip whisper yelled after Sam left. I giggled and nodded my head, feeling my cheeks warm up.

I continued to tell Trip what happened after I told Sam no one had ever called me beautiful, he looked absolutely shocked. He took my hands in his and told me again and again that I was beautiful and amazing and deserved the world. Then he gave me a hug, which I was grateful for since he couldn't see how hard I was blushing.

"Oh my gosh he totally has a thing for you." She says smiling. "Maybe he's what you've been looking for." She gives me a suggestive look. I know what she means by 'looking for'. I haven't dated since grade ten when my heart was broken to bits. It's a long story for another time, but I've never been able to get close to someone since.

I smile slightly and shake my head, putting in the combo to my locker. "I don't know. I think he just wants to be friends."  I say and Trip shrugs and as she walks away to her locker I hear her whisper

"Well I totally ship it."

I've been so depressed lately I haven't even considered a boyfriend. I don't think I'd find anyone who could handle my crazy.

I hear a snicker from down the hall and turn to look at who it was.


That Bitch.

"Awe look who it is? The loner." She says loudly to the girl beside her. Amy is a blonde girl with a muscular body and a somewhat pretty face.

"Why do you still bother me? It's been two years. Get over yourself." I suddenly say, my confidence rising. I havnt spoken up to her ever. I don't know why I suddenly decided it was a good idea. She stop dead in her tracks and slowly turns to face me. I feel my confidence shrink once again.

She takes a few threatening steps towards me until my back is pushed up against the locker and I can feel her breath on my face. Gross.

"What'd you say you little bitch? I bother you because your a little emo whore with no friends and no love life. Your a waste of fucking space." She whispers and then lightly taps my face. When she does I flinch and feel fresh tears fill my eyes. She was speaking the truth.

She steps back and laughs loudly. "Your pathetic." She spits as she walks away. The bell rings and everyone starts walking to their classes. But I can't move. I slowly slide my back down the locker till my sitting on the floor pulling my knees to my chest.

I feel myself start crying, and it feels like there's a hand pushing down in my chest, crushing my lungs till I can't breath. I take small, shallow breaths desperate for air. My hands go into my hair and tug, trying to numb the pain in my chest.

I'm having a panic attack. God it's been awhile.

I start to think it's hopeless, no ones gonna help me. Until I feel strong arms wrap around me, pulling me into their lap.

"Shhhh" He says rocking me back and forth. "It's okay... you're okay.. it's just a panic attack it'll pass.... it's okay..." he kept repeating.

That voice. I recognize it.

Sam. It's Sam.

With that realization I instantly calm down. My shoulders slump and I lean into him, allowing him to help me.

"Sam." I whisper through jagged breaths.

"Yes, Gem?" He whispers, his lips brushing my ear.

"Thank you." I whisper again, pulling away just enough to look up at him. I look into his beautiful ocean eyes and he smiles. "Anytime." He replies and leans down to kiss my forehead. I close my eyes, feeling his lips linger there for a moment.

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