Chapter 11.

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"Oh my gosh that movie was horrid." Nico chuckles as the end credits roll to Insidious. Me and Trip laugh with her.

After offering for her to stay, we ordered some pizza and then baked some cookies. While waiting Nico filled me in on why she didn't want to be home. She did cry, but honestly I did too. No one should have to go through that.

"So where does everyone want to sleep?" I asked standing up and stretching.

"Doesn't matter to me." Trip says standing as well. Nico gets up and looks at me nervously.

"Uhm. I don't want to be alone." She says her voice barely a whisper. I smile at her.

"Okay, we can drag some mattresses downstairs from my room and the guest room, or you two can share the guest room?" I suggest hoping for the second option.

Yes. I'm not so discreetly trying to get them some alone time. Nico and Trip both look to each other then back at me. I laugh a bit and shake my head.

"You two take the guest room. Come, I'll make sure you have what you need." I say turning to walk up the stairs, hearing both of them silently follow me. I turn down the hallway and three doors to the right I open the guest room, the only reason we have a guest room is because Maddy and Jason wanted to share. Weird, I know.

I open the room and make sure they have enough blankets and sheets.

"Okay night guys." I say giving Nicoa hug. I love towards Trip and when I hug her I whisper

"Don't be a chicken. Make a move."

I pull away and smile at her before spinning around and leaving the room.

I cross the hall and enter my room, silently shutting the door. I turn my lights off and lay down, scrolling through Instagram for a little when I message comes through.

Sam: hey, you up?

I smile.

Me: yeah. What's up?

His reply is as usual, instant.

Sam: just wanted to let you know not to dress fancy for out date. Running shoes and a sweater. Besides, you'd look great in anything. 😉

I blush a bit having completely forgot about our date tomorrow night.

Me: Okay, night Sam.

Sam: night Gem.

Trips POV

After me a Nico layed down, it got less awkward by the minute. And as we layed on separate sides of the bed, I couldn't help but wonder if I should move closer.

That is, until Nico literally rolls to my side and asks if we can cuddle.

"Yeah." I whisper chuckling. She lays her head on my shoulder and put's her arm around my waist. I had my arm somewhat under her head and was rubbing her hair.

After moments of hesitation I leaned my head a bit and kissed her head. Butterflies filling my stomach.

"Trip?" She whispers.


She sits up just enough to look at me, still laying on me.

"What are we?" She asks. I look into her beautiful brown eyes and feel so much emotion.

"I don't know. What do you want to be?" I ask holding my breath. I like this girl. I like her a lot. She shrugs.

"Well. Maybe This.." she says as she leans towards me and before I know what's happening her lips are on mine. I place my hand behind her neck and pull her closer, deepening the kiss. Sparks fly through every inch of my body.

She pulls away, keeping her eyes closed.

"Was that okay?" She asks nervously and I smile.

"That was perfect."


So this Chapter was a bit shorter but OMG Nico and Trip!😍😍

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