Chapter 12.

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"Good morning!" Trip says smiling at me as I walk into the kitchen. I roll my eyes and grunt.

"You're such a morning person." I say making Nico chuckle.

"How was your night?" I ask them. They both look at each other smiling. Nico blushes a little.

"Great. It was great." Trip says before leaving the kitchen.

"Come on guys let's go!" Trip yells and me and Nico laugh. We all grab our bags and put our shoes on before leaving. We walk to the bush where we see Sam waiting. I smile at him and wave.

"Hey." I say when we get closer. He falls into step beside me, Trip and Nico ahead of us.

"Morning beautiful." He says putting an arm around my waist and pulling me closer. I laugh and lean into him.

"Who's that?" He asks, nodding his head in Nico's direction.

"That's Nico. I think her and Trip are becoming a thing." I say smiling.

"Ohh, they look good together." He says.

We get to school and Trip and Nico head to Trip's locker. I didn't even know Nico went to this school. Sam comes with me to my locker, when we get there I see Dakota.

"Dakota! I haven't seen you in like a week!" I yell giving her a hug. She laughs into my hair.

"Sorry, I was sick." She pulls away and looks at Sam. "Who's this?" She asks smiling at him.

"I'm Sam, nice to meet you." He says smiling at her. Dakota looks from Sam to me and raises her eyebrows.

"Jess is this the guy that you told me was-"

"SHH!" I say reaching forward to slap her on the arm. She laughs and rolls her eyes. Sam looks at me questioningly.

"Don't ask." I mumble, turning to open my locker. I hear Sam and Dakota chuckle behind me.

"Walk to class with me?" Dakota asks. I nod my head and wave bye to Sam.

"See you last period!" He calls. I almost forgot he's in my math class now.

"Sooo, I want details about Mr. Sexy." Dakota wiggles her eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes.

"There's nothing to tell." I say lying.

"I call bullshit. You're a bad lier." She laughs. I grunt.

"Okay, So, we may have kissed once. But we agreed to take it slow. Oh, and we are going on a date tonight." I say smiling. Dakotas jaw drops and she squeals.

"In so happy for you!" She nearly shouts, earning a few glances from people in the hall. I roll my eyes and laugh, blushing slightly.

"You really like him don't you?" She asks studying my face.

"Yeah. I do." She smiles.

"Its so nice to see you happy. I missed it." She gives me a hug. We walk into our art class and take our seats at the back.

During the class, me and Dakota pay no attention to the teacher as I fill her in on Nico and what happened last night. We then decide that we all need to have a sleepover since its been way too long.

"Friday night?" She asks.

"Any night. My parents are gone." I reply smirking.

"What about tonight? We can all get drunk and ditch the morning tomorrow." She says mischievously. I laugh and nod my head.

"Its a plan. My parents have liquor in the basement." I smile. I pull out my phone and send a message to Trip, then to Nico, informing them of our party night. They both reply immediately with hell yesses.

Tonight is going to be interesting.


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