Chapter 7.

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That night I stayed awake in Trips bed with her sleeping peacefully beside me. I couldn't close my eyes, afraid the nightmares would take over.

The mere fact that I suffer from nightmares makes me feel worse about myself.

I start thinking back to two-ish years ago when we were in that shelter. It was a nightmare to be honest. The building itself was gloomy and could make anyone feel depressed. Our room consisted of two double beds, a fridge, a microwave, a desk, a nightstand, and a bathroom. Living in a small space was not as hard as expected. I think one of the hardest parts was convincing them to spray our room with bug spray every week or two, trying our best to keep out the roaches and whatever else might show up.

The first month was hardest, as my mom was still heartbroken from my father. After three years of her fighting for their relationship she had to give up. He was too far gone to ever be a part of our family again.

Being there was the first time I'd felt depression. Well, the first time I'd realized I was depressed. It wasn't the greatest feeling, obviously. I started having anxiety attacks for absolutely no reason at night time. Texting Trip or Dakota, begging them for help.

"Hey, you alright?" Trips voice pulls me out of my thoughts. Her voice rough with sleep. I turn to her and give her a slight smile.

"Yeah, just having sleeping problems." When I say this she sits up, running a hand down her face.

"Okay then let's watch a movie until you feel okay to sleep." She grabs her remote and turns Netflix on her tv. We decide on a movie and she lays beside me.

I need to stop thinking about the past. I need to move on.


"Goodmorning!" Trip shouts as she jumps on the bed making it shake.

"DUDE!" I yell throwing a pillow at her. She laughs and stands up.

"Come on get ready, we are going out." She says and I immediately jump up.

"Going...out? Where?" The look on her face scaring me. A smirk playing on her lips.

"The Cafe, with Dakota...and Sam." She says and my eyes widen.

"Sam?!" I whisper scream and pick up my ohone, seeing th st trip had messaged him as me on my phone. I roll my eyes at her and get up going to the washroom. We brush our teeth and hair, then I get my cloths, dark blue jeans, and navy blue t-shirt, and a black and white plaid shirt around my waist.

I put on mascara and chapstick, then grab my small backpack purse and go downstairs. We put on our shoes (converse lol) and head out, walking towards Dakota's building. On the way there I hear my phone ring and see that it's Sam. My stomach flips and I smile, answering it.


"Hey Gem, turn around." He says making me blush. I turn around and see him across the street coming towards me and Trip. I hang up my phone.

"Hey Trip. Gem." He looks from Trip to me. I feel Trip look at me, this is the first she's heard that nickname. I feel my cheeks heat up and quickly turn to keep walking, hoping Sam didn't notice.

But he does, I know because I hear him chuckle. I shoot a quick look to trip to see her holding back a laugh. I mentally roll my eyes and keep walking.

Us three walk in comfortable silence straight to the cafe after receiving a text from Dakota that she was already there. We walk in and I spot her blue hair immediately, at the table in the back corner where we always sit.

"Hey!" I say and we walk up to her and sit down, Trip making sure Sam is beside me.

"Sam, Dakota, Dakota this is Sam." I introduce them, quickly and they say hello to each other.

"I'll go order, who wants what, and give me your money." I say with a laugh. Dakota and Trip tell me what they want and I turn to Sam.

"Mind if I come with you?" He stands up and looks at me. I nod my head and stand aswell, hearing the girls laugh behind me.

We get in line and when I turn to face Sam I notice how close we are to each other and quickly step back. He gives me a questioning look.

"You okay?" He asks and reaches to touch my arm. I look to where our skin meets, then back into his eyes, feeling the sparks shoot through me.

"Uh.. uhm...yeah." I mumble and he removes his arm.

"Is this about last night? He asks. I look up at him.

"Maybe, I dont know." I say honestly. He looks down.

"I didn't mean to sound so creepy," he slightly chuckles "I just, your really beautiful and I can see that your hurting. It's in your eyes. And I feel like I need to help you. I want to help you." He says sounding so vulnerable. I admire his honesty. I look at him, eyes wide, taking in everything he's just told me. I push aside the feelings of Josh. I need to forget about that.

"Say something." He begs, looking down. He looks so cute when he nervous. And thats when I decide I need to come out of my shell. Right before I step forward to place our order I mumble,

"I like you too."


Hey! Sorry for not updating but more is coming!!

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