Chapter 18.

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"I'm hungry." I say as we leave our third store. I have a few bags in my hands, so do the other girls.

"Same let's go to the food court." Says Dakota. We all agree and turn the corner of the mall towards the food court. Trip grabs us a booth in the corner while we all like up at Mc Donalds.  I order for Trip. When our food is ready we sit in the booth, me beside Dakota and Nico beside trip.

"I really want a new blue hoodie." Nico sighs. I laugh.

"Let's go check out a few more stores after. I still want a few things anyways." Says Trip. I watch Nico as she looks at Trip smiling. Dakota elbow's me in the ribs and nods her head towards the girls, who are in their own little conversation. Then she leans over and whispers,

"They are cute, you think it'll become a thing?"

"Yup, Nico told me she's gonna ask Trip to be her girlfriend." I say smiling.  Dakota squeals and Trip and Nico look at her confused. I laugh and shake my head.

I'm having so much fun that I forgot about Sam. About all the pain he caused me last night.

That feeling didn't last long. Because a few minutes later when I'm stealing a fry from Trip, I see him. Standing across the food court, staring at me. He looks like he hasn't slept. He looks awful.  I gasp and duck my head, leaning behind Dakota. 

"What? What is it?" Trip asks looking around

"Sam. He's here. How did he know I was here?!" I whisper frantically looking for my phone, realizing I left it at home.

"Uh I posted on my snap chat..." Says Dakota.

"Oh shit shit shit what if he comes over here? I don't want to talk to him." I say looking around trying to find him but I can't.  He's gone.

"Hey why don't we go and finish our shopping?" Suggests Nico.  I look at her and smile thankfully. We all get up and throw our garbage out.  All three girls go into the bathroom but I decide to wait in the hallway. I'm standing there playing a game on Dakota's phone when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to find those blues eyes I love. But this time there's no butterflies. Just pain.

"What do you want." I say looking away. He reaches out to touch my arm, I flinch when he does and he moves his hand away. 

"Jess please talk to me. Please."

"No. It hurts too much. I don't want to be around you." I look at his face taking in how bad he looks. His eyes are red and swollen as if he's been crying. He has deep purple bags under his eyes and he looks like he hasn't eaten. How could this be affecting him so badly? It only happened a few hours ago.

"Jessica please let me explain. I just, give me a chance. I can't lose you." He begs, tears filling up his eyes.

"What makes you think you ever had me?" I say, instantly regretting it. Hurt flashes over his face.

"Sam I've known you for barely two weeks. You can't possibly tell me you need me in your life."

"You don't realize do you? I've known you for so much longer then two weeks." He says looking deep into NY eyes. I take a step back.

"What?" I whisper. He takes a step forward, placing a hand on my cheek. I close my eyes, letting the tears fall at the feeling of his skin against mine.

"The first time I saw you, you were walking home from school. You had you're hood up and your head down and I crossed the street just so I could get a look at your face. You made eye contact with me and that's when I saw the loneliness in your eyes. And from then on I just watched you from afar for so long. I couldn't get up the courage to talk to you but I wanted to so badly. I fell in love with the way you walked down the halls at school, how you knew you were better then all those idiots. I fell in love with the way you didn't care. I fell in love with your beauty, and how you didn't see it.

And when I bumped into you that day it was purely accidental but it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I grew up the courage to talk to you and things just went on from there."

I take a step back and turn around. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. It's so much to take in. But do his feelings for me really change the fact that he just wants to help me? How do I forgive that?

"Jess?" He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Jess please talk to me. What are you thinking?" He whispers. I turn around and face him.

"You need to leave Sam." I say. He looks shocked.

"What?" He whispers taking a step back.

"You heard me. I need some time to think. I'm not just gonna jump in your arms and thank you for stalking me and falling for me. You hurt me so bad last night Sam. You hurt me so bad I thought about dying. So you need to leave. And you need to give me time." By the time I finish saying this all my friends are standing behind me.

"Okay. I'm sorry Gem. I really am." Same whispers, wiping away the tears in his eyes.

And with that he walks away and me and my girls finish our shopping.

Ya so it's been a while...
I wrote this chapter a while ago but it got deleted and I couldn't write it the same, so here ya go. It's not my best but it's fine lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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