Chapter 8

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"Me and Sam are going outside for a minute to talk." I say to Trip and Dakota as I hand them their drinks. I spin around and walk away before they give me any weird looks.

I meet Sam outside and around the corner of the coffee shop. I walk up to him and freeze when our eyes meet, our bodies only a few inches apart. We stand there just staring at each other for what feels like forever, a conflicted look on his face.

" now?" I ask him looking down and fidgeting awkwardly with my fingers. He pauses for a moment before he steps closer to me, taking my hands in his. My heart races as his touch sends shivers up my spine.

"What happens between us is completely up to you, Jessica. But you need to know that if you want this, whatever this is, to become something more. Or if you want to try and see where is goes, I want it to." He states looking me right in the eyes. I'm taken aback by his honesty. But I still dont know what to say or think. He sees the conflict on my face and drops my hand, his face going emotionless. 

"Its okay, you don't want this. Dont worry, I get it." He says bluntly before turning to walk away. But I reach forward and grab his arm.

"No wait. I'm sorry. I just, I've had my heart broken before and I'm afraid. Because I feel something here, between us. And it scares me." I say slightly whispering. His expression immediately softens and he steps close to me again.

"We will take it slow, okay? I have no plans to hurt you Gem." He says and all I can do is nod. I'm about to suggest we go back inside when he starts talking again.

"When you say feel something.." he pauses and puts one hand on my cheek. "Do you mean the-"

"Sparks?" I finish for him looking him straight in his beautiful blue eyes. He nods and swipes his thumb across my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. All I want is to feel his lips on mine, to give in to this desire. But we agreed on slow. So I lean forward ever so slightly, move to the side, and give him a slight kiss on his cheek.

Feeling proud of myself for coming out of my shell I attempt to walk around him and back into the coffee shop, only, that doesn't happen. Instead he wraps his warm hand tightly on my wrist, spinning me around and pinning me onto the cool brick wall. I gasp and see his eyes darken, complete lust taking over every one of our emotions. His hands are on my waist and he leans in.

When his lips are just seconds away from mine he stops. And in a sexy, husky voice he whispers,

"Tell me you dont want this and I'll stop."

I wrap my arms around his neck and shake my head.

"I can't do that."

The second I speak his lips smash onto mine breaking  open a flood of burning desire rushing through my body. I've been kissed before, but never like this. Electricity shoots through my body as he pulls my body closer to his. A slight moan escapes his lips and he pulls away, resting his forehead on mine.

"What the fuck are you doing to me Gem." He says breathlessly and all I can do is laugh and lean in to kiss him again.

Sordy for the short chapter but THEY KISSED!!


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