Part 1

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"Jewel wake your lazy ass up or we're going to be late" my baby brother Corbyn yells from downstairs. And before you start fangirling or even fanboying yes I'm Jewel Besson YouTuber, model, singer, dancer, artest, although none of my work has actually been noticed, and yes my younger brother, by a year, is Corbyn Benson from Why Don't We and today we are officially moving to Las Angeles with his band mates I've only met them once before but I ended up hitting it off with Jack, Jack Avery. We switched number and text almost every day. Speaking of the loser.

Fluffypoodle🐩: we're going to see each other again and not for just a week this time
Jewel💍: I know. You get to deal with my grumpy ass ever morning
Fluffypoodle🐩: I think I can handle you. Wyd
Jewel💍: you think that all you want. About to go through baggage check
Fluffypoodle🐩: sounds fun
Jewel💍: Tons😐 if dog could talk what do you think they would say.
Fluffypoodle🐩: probably... hell no there is no way I'm going to get that stick after you just threw it for the tenth time
Jewel💍: If pterodactyls were real I would keep one as a pet. Im about to get on the plane so this is good bye
Fluffypoodle🐩: good bye
~~End text~~

I turn my phone on airplane mode then sit down next to Corbyn. He has the window seat and I want it. "Hey Corbyn will you be the best little brother a sister could have and trade seats with me." I pout. "As long as you let me sleep," I nod. "Okay." He switches seats with me. "Your the best." I smile. "I know I am now let me sleep."

I put my earbuds in and look at the spectacular view. I love the view from airplanes. That's why I always make sure that either me or someone I'm with gets a window chair. I end up falling asleep.

~~Corbyn's POV~~
Jewel fell asleep and now I'm trying to wake her stubborn ass up. "Jewel come on we landed come on wake up." When she doesn't move I think of something. "Jewel Jack is waiting for you." She instantly pops up. I laugh.

She takes a minute to realise what's going on but she soon jumps from her seat and pulls me towards baggage claim. We quickly grab our bags and she yet again pulls by my hand. We make it outside and a greeted by three familiar faces. She lets go and runs towards them.

"Zachypoo!" She hops into his open arms. "Hey Jewel how you been?" He asks. "Well I don't have a pet pterodactyl so I could be better." She frowns.

"Gosh you are just the weirdest." Jonah inturupts. "Jonah babonah!" They hug. "Danny boy" they do their weird little handshake. She looks around and start to frown. "Whats wrong?" Daniel asks. "Where's Jacky?" "Sorry I'm late I had to take this little one to the bathroom." Jack's voice comes from behind us. We turn around to see him holding a blue eyed baby husky, one like Jewel had always wanted.

~~Jack's POV~~
I see Jewel's eyes widen and her jaw drops. "Oh my flipping flipidy flip is she yours" she asks me as she pets the dog. "Nope she's yours." She looks at me with her wides, beautiful, blue eyes. "If I find out this is a prank this is just some dog you're watching for a friend or a neighbor. I will flip shit on anyone who had something to do with it." She says.

"She's yours," I hand he the dog. "What are you going to name her?" She looks at the pooch. "I'll name her... Buttercup." I laugh. "From your favorite movie." She smiles and nods

"I don't even know what her favorite movie is." Corbyn says but, I just shrug.

"I don't know about yall but I'm tired so..." Corbyn interrupts her. "You slept the whole way here how are you still tired?"

"My species need longer to recharge our batteries so ONWARDS." We laugh and pile into the car. Me, Jewel, and Zach sit in the back with Buttercup in the floor. "Can I lay across yall?" She asks, we nod our heads. She unbuckles, lays her head on my lap, and her legs on Zach.

Corbyn's big sis: Jack Avery Where stories live. Discover now