part 3

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~~Corbyn's POV~~
Christina😘: guess who's coming to visit
Corbean💋: ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!
Christina😘: yep in a week don't tell Jewel I want to surprise her
Corbean💋: oh so you want to surprise her but not me.
Christina😘: well she's my best friend and I haven't seen her in forever and I saw you like a month ago.
Corbean💋: I understand 😐😭
Christina😘: I'm sorry babe I miss both of you
Corbean💋: I know babe I was joking.
Christina😘: well I have to go see ya in a week💋
Corbean💋: bye😘
~~End text~~

There is a knock at my door. "Come in." I yell. "Hey bro are you okay I heard you screaming." Jewel walks in. She looks awful, not in a mean way I mean she looks really sick. "Yea just felt like screaming." I lie. "You're so weird." She laughs. "Come on sis let's get you back in bed." I take her back to Jack's bed.

~~Next morning~~
~~Jewel's POV~~
I wake up not feeling a hundred percent but I feel good enough to get done what I need to do. I need to go grocery shopping, edit and post my video, clean the house, and take Buttercup to the vet. The boys are at practice until later today which is good for me cause they would try to do it for me and that would make me feel useless and I can't stand feeling useless. Before I get ready I let Buttercup out to the back yard so she can do her business. I change into a pair of sweat pants, my checkered vans, 'my favorite hoodie' hoodie, and toss my hair into a messy bun. I bring  my dog in and head to the store.

After I get everything I need I find  myself wandering around. I soon find myself in the hair dye section, I look at all the colors. I have the idea of dying my hair and have for a while but never knew what color to do. So I text the boys to get their opinions.

Jack'slover💘: hey if you had a choice to change my hair color what would you make it
Jewel'slover💕: like a bright dark red
Bean🌻: blonde. But you better not dye your hair
$hortstuff🦄: black
Jack'slover💘: Corbyn I'm not but you couldn't stop me if you tried
Watermelonman🍉: ^^ shots fired and I like what Jack said
Jonahbobonah🐘: ^^^
Zachypoo❣️: what Jack said
~~End text~~

I look around and grab the fire red and go to ring up. I get home edit and post my video then I realise that I still have two and a half hours till I have to take Buttercup to the vet so I grab the dye and get to work

~~Time skip an hour~~
Me hair turned out amazing I absolutely love it. I hid all the boxes and bottles so if the boys get home before me.

The vet visit went well, Buttercup got all her shots she needs. I drive home and when I get out I'm met with the familiar tackle of Zach. "Zachypoo!" I yell. "I absolutely love your hair. Jonah lets Buttercup out of the car. " Corbyn you owe me twenty bucks." He yells Corbyn sitting on the stairs petting my dog. "Yall made a bet on wether or not I'd dye my hair." I gasp. "No we knew you were gonna do it Corbyn said you were gonna go black and I said you'd go with Jack's choice so he owes me ten bucks." I look at him confused. "But you said twenty." "We made another bet I said you were still sick and did everything you needed to do he said you were better." He explains. "And how do you know that I don't feel better?" I ask sounding annoyed but I honestly don't care. "Well I know you don't really care about your looks but you don't make it a habit of wearing sweats out in public." He smiles trying not to make it come out the wrong way. "Don't listen to him babe you look beautiful as always. And I love your hair " Jack walks up to me and  kisses my cheek. "Thanks babe. You better have not made any bets against me." I glare at him. "I don't bet except for this one time,"  He raises his hand and Corbyn puts twenty dollars in his hand. "I know you a little to well to let this chance of getting twenty dollars pass me up." I laugh.

~~Time skip a week~~
We all are sitting in the living room in silence. "I want to go camping." I blurt breaking the silence. "Sounds fun. I don't actually think I've been." Daniel agrees. "What!?!?" I scream. "No need to scream we're right here." Jonah holds his ear. "When is your next week off?" I ask. "In like two weeks for like two and a half weeks." Daniel informs me. "We are so going camping."  "You haven't even been camping." Corbyn laughs. "Yea I have." I get defensive. "Our back yard doesn't count Jewel." "Well its outside and there was a tent so it counts." Jonah agrees with me. "Thank you Jonah bobonah," I stick my tounge out at Corbyn. "So I say we leave the Saturday before your break actually starts once everyone is free. And I have the perfect place." I leave not wanting them to ask questions. I want the place to be a surprise and if they ask I couldn't help but answer.

Corbyn's big sis: Jack Avery Where stories live. Discover now