part 10

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~~Corbyn's POV~~
"How could you let this happen to her. I told you to keep an eye on her." I whisper scream at Logan not to wake Jewel. "She said she wanted to. You know how she can be I couldn't had stopped her if I tried." Logan defends himself. "I can't believe you." "Look I'm sorry." "Sorry doesn't fix her collar bone or get rid of her concussion."

"Corbyn?" I hear Jewel whine. "Hey sis. You gave me a scare there. How do you feel?" I gently sit on the side of her bed. "My shoulder is hurting and I have a head ache."

"I'll go get the nurse." Logan leaves then comes back with the nurse. "Hi Miss Besson I'm Nurse James how do you feel?" He asks. "I'm in a lot of pain." She says. "That is to be expected I'll give you a percription pain meds and you'll have to keep your arm in a sling. Oh," he frowns looking at her clipboard. "What what is it?" I ask. "It looks like you had a miscarriage." I look at Jewel, her eyes wide open.

"That's not possible I wasn't pregnant." She states. "It looks like you weren't far enough a long to show semptons but you were pregnant," He sits the clipboard down. "I'm sorry for your lose. Do you have any questions." "Yea when will she be able to leave?" Logan asks. "She can leave now if she wants." "Then I'm leaving." She swings her feet over the bed.

I hand her, her clothes. She walks into the bathroom and comes out changed. "Let's go home." She walks out of the room.

Logan drives us home. "Jewel come on." I say. "No." "Jewel you're going to have to tell him sooner or later." "Later sounds fine." She huffs. "Jewel Kelly Besson get your scronny ass out of this car." She sighs and gets out of the car.

Corbyn's big sis: Jack Avery Where stories live. Discover now