part 12

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~~Jack's POV~~
Jewel hasn't been herself since she learned that she lost our baby and not to mention that we had to put buttercup down cause she wouldn't eat and if we didn't she would have had starved. She's taking a break from all social media and YouTube. She doesn't come out of her room. She only let's Ayla in and the only time she eats is when Ayla brings her food.

"Dude I'm worried about her. Ayla never stays up there this long." I pace back and forth. "We're worried about her too but she did loose her unborn child and her dog. Just calm down I bet there just talking." Daniel says. "I know but you think she would want her boyfriend or even her brother or best friend." I point out. "She blames herself for miscarriaging." Corbyn says. "She  shouldn't..." "But she does Jack you just need to be patient." Ayala's voice comes from the doorway. "Ayla is she okay?" Everyone jumps out of their seats. "She's fine she cried herself to sleep, again." Ayla sits down. "I wish we can do something." Zach sighs.

"She told me that she wants to move on and go back the old her but she doesn't know how," Ayla sighs. "She had a miscarriage then she had to put down buttercup not even a week later. Jack you gave her both buttercup and that baby. She feels as if she let you down." "Well she didn't I let her down I wasn't there when she fell cause I broke up with her then I wasn't there when she had to put down buttercup due to practice. I let her down." I rant a little. "We just want the old Jewel back." Daniel sighs. "We just have to understand that she will never be the same," Corbyn stands up. "She might act the same old Jewel and smile like the same old Jewel but she's not. I know this from experience. After she almost committed suicide she went back to her old ways but something changed in her, but for the better. She'll come back from this stronger than before just give her time."

"Well I need to go get food for when she wakes up do y'all want anything?" Ayla hops up, we tell what we want and she walks out.

Corbyn's big sis: Jack Avery Where stories live. Discover now