weekly idol

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weekly idol - outfit of the day

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weekly idol - outfit of the day

this show's mcs began with their cued introduction. after a few moments of speaking, heechul was introduced as a guest mc, alongside defconn and hyeongdon.

then they started talking about BTS and the cameras went to you guys. each member immediately started fooling around, laughing their way to their positons.


after a few moments to trying to gather ourselves, namjoon cues the intro. "hello were bts!" we all said together. you all introduced yourselves individually.

"hi hi, im hana!!" you said having two peace sign to your eyes. 

we began to dive into explaining how the show is going to work and what variety games we're going to play.

we did random place dance for korean beef. theres of course punishments of you do a mistake. i quickly thought about the hammer and remember how i got hit by taehyung that one time with the lie detector test.

"wait.. is that hammer going to be the punishment?!" i say clutching the nearest arm i could grab out of fear, unfortunately for hoseok, you had some strength.

"maybe, we have other tricks up our sleeves." defconn said. i groan and put my head on my hands, i hear the boys laughing.

i just stood in a line waiting for a song to come on. all of a sudden 'go go' played. i immediately run to position and dance.

"hana seems serious about that hammer thing! she ran!" heechul said laughing. i laugh with him while dancing.

it goes on until boy in luv came on, i got scared because we haven't performed this in a while. when yoongi's part came on he bumped into hoseok and hoseok calls him out on it.

"YAH YAH HYUNG!" he says laughing point at yoongi, heechul goes to him and laughs at hoseok for calling out yoongi like that.

"do you wanna explain why you we stopped suga." heechul says laughing. "i give up im tired" yoongi says in the most serious tone. everyone bursts out laughing.

"ok so, punishment was involved." hyeongdon says. we all go "oohh" and look at suga.  "we know exactly what punishment we have for you." he continues.

all of a sudden on the screen, yoongi's audition video pops up. oh my god. no way. i run to the wall and slide down laughing out of breath. yoongi squats down covering his face after it was over everyone was still laughing.

"i'm not making any mistakes if that's the type of punishment you're on." taehyung says, making all of us nod our heads terrified.

we all jump as another song was then cued. blood, sweat, and tears. easy i got this. i run to position and get on it as quickly as i can. but as i dance, i see within my peripheral vision that yoongi has basically given up.

"i can't, this is too much." he said everyone laughs again.  the hosts grin as they reveal the next punishment. hits on the wrist! rules is: three people are able to do it to him, and i volunteered to be one of them.

"im going to get you after this hana, i swear" he says as i raise my hand up. i looked at the camera and smile. all of a sudden i hit his wrist and it left a mark on his pale wrist. everyone was laughing or going "oooo" from the hit. yoongi made a sound which sounded very um, not appropriate.

"no moaning sounds" heechul says like a teacher. everyone laughs at the statement.

next up was jungkook and yoongi groans and hides his wrist. if i was anything to fear, it's nothing compared to this one. jungkook pulls his hand out and hits his wrist fast but you can hear how hard the hit was. yoongi made another noise and heechul yelled at him again, making all of us laugh.

"SUGA NO MOANING SOUNDS" heechul says again, trying to contain laughter.

after that was taehyung, taehyung hit suga's wrist on the same place where i hit it, suga makes another sound and groans and we just stare at heechul.

"did you see where taehyung hit? if i got hit in the same place twice id make the same noise." he said looked at yoongi. we all laugh but yoongi just massages his wrist smiling a bit.

the laughs were fun and all but there was no korean beef!

— next game! CHANGE OF POV

you had to dance to other groups and the best one get korean beef.

"YES ITS MY CHANCE TO GET BEEF" you yelled. everyone was getting ready to dance for the beef.

you hear DDD by EXID come on, you run to the middle and danced from the beginning. soon enough, hoseok joined and you gasp as he outdances you. no way. everyone was dying and laughing from hoseok, and you join in as you see the amount of energy he puts into the dance. you try to contain your laughter but you couldn't help but give in too. gladly, you push through and end up finishing strong with hoseok by your side.

 after the song finished you sat down waiting for the next song.

the next song was fantastic baby by bigbang. everyone goes up and dances even heechul. everyone then yells "FANTASTIC BABY" and everyone dances.

you ended up getting beef and you danced while eating. everyone was laughing at you then started dancing also.

edited dec 22, 2023

this book is killing me wtf was i writing wtf wtf wtf

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