surprising a fan!

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I got a letter saying that it was one of the ARMY's birthday. A fanboy! And he wanted to meet me for his birthday. I was seriously surprised but happy. The plan was that his friends would take him to a street in Seoul, and casually watch the street dancers with his friends. Then his friends tell him to stay while they get some food and I come in, randomly next to him and see if he notices. If he doesn't notice me, I'll get his attention somehow.

I found out his name was Jungmin. The cameras were now set up around the street, secretly following the group of friends. I was watching them walk around, surprised Jungmin doesn't even notice the cameras. I guess it was too crowded.. They then stopped in front of the street dancers. The dancers were dancing to Go Go, so Jungmin was very happy to see them dance. Through the headphones, I heard his friend talk.

"Yah, Jungmin-ssi, We'll be back to get food.. or do you wanna come?" His friend asked. I was hoping he'd say he will stay.

"Nah, I'll stay here, they might dance to Blood Sweat and Tears.." He said excitedly. Going exactly to plan, it felt like weight lifted off my shoulders.

His friends nodded and walked away, giving the camera a thumbs up. I got up from the chair and started going outside. Sneakily, making our way towards the crowd. We stopped and I saw Jungmin not too far away. I slipped through the crowd and stood next to him. I noticed he was just focused on the dancers and didnt notice me. The other dancers noticed also, they were in on the plan. So they did the most smartest thing, ask me to join in the dance.

"Hey! Aren't you Hana?" One dancer was acting, asking me a question.

"Yes I am!" I smiled. I saw Jungmin turn his head at me and widen his eyes.

"Join us in here!" Another dancer said. I nodded and took my jacket off to move around better.

People started cheering and I just saw Jungmin frozen. I chuckled a little bit and heard N.E.R.D's "Lemon" come on. The dancers start to dance, and I wait for Rihanna's part to come in to freestyle to. Then I hear her voice about to begin. I go in the middle and begin dancing, people begin cheering. After I dance, I laugh and told Jungmin to come in. He started dancing too and he was really good! We started to hype him up and he was hitting every beat. After we all laugh and give each other high fives. After that street dance, Jungmin and I walked around and talked. We got ice cream and sat down in a park. You see, Jungmin was going through many hardships and he truly believed he still be celebrating his birthday alone. I didn't want that to happen.

"So tell me, do you still go to school?" I ask. He nodded.

"Ahh, yes.. I'm 16." He told me. I was very surprised, he was too young to be facing his hardships and being alone on his birthday. 

"Wow really? Well how is school doing?" I ask taking a scoop of ice cream into my mouth.

"Ahh.." He trails off chuckling. I swallow the ice cream stare at him.

"Jungmin.. Are we getting straight A's like we should?" I asked pretending to be mad.

"I try, I really do!" He put his hands up. I chuckled and shook my head laughing.

"As long as I see 3 A's on that report card and no F's I will be happy." I smiled. He nodded his head.

"I'll try.. it's just because too much things are happening at once for me.. that's all." He looked down. I pouted. Completely understanding, I nodded.

"Hey, it's alright... people go through so much in life. But that's what makes them strong. How can you survive life without any experience in hardships?" I responded.

"Yeah, but sometimes I just think it's too much hardships you know..? I mean I learned already.. can life just stop sending me bad luck already." He chuckled weakly.

"Well, what's going on?" I asked. "You don't have to tell me though.." I added still eating my ice cream.

"Well, one.. because of my grades, I might be able to do basketball like I dreamed.. Next, my girlfriend.. I think you already know what happened there.. She cheated and yeah yeah.." His eyes were tearing and I was just patting his shoulder. "And my parents, just add to the problems.. It's just too much really.." He finished.

"Hey, hey.. whoever that girl is, forget about her. There's a camera, flip her off." I joked.

"Can I really?" He looked up. I laughed.

"Go right on ahead! I'll do it with you." I chuckled.

After a bit more talking, I found out he was actually a really nice kid who just wants to follow his dream of being a basketball player.. He seems like a kid who doesn't give up easily even when he feels like it. We really had a good day today..

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