burn the stage: fighting

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"When we disagree on things, it's normal." Hana says shrugging. "I mean I think they're mature.. they should handle things like that." She adds, almost confidently.

A scene cuts to when Jin and Taehyung were fighting about a choreography. How Jin is going to slow for Taehyung, but Jin argues he's doing his best.

Taehyung and Jin continues to argue as the members and staff just remain silent. Hana was sitting next to Taehyung on the couch. She can see how serious the conversation was getting. Taehyung gets up but they continue to speak.

"I was going my fastest, there's nothing I can do about it. I ran full speed to get there. You keep complaining to me, what do you want me to do?" Jin says.

"No no, I'm not complaining to you. You're not listening to me, I'm you take too long to get ready to run." Taehyung repsonds back almost immediately.

"But I'm telling you that I'm doing it as fast I can, I can't turn and run as fast as you." Jin says back. Everyone just looks at each other. Hana pats Taehyung's shoulder to calm him down since he looks like he's the most frustrated.

"Just do whatever you just need to do, and if it doesn't work just let it be." Hoseok says stepping in.

"Yeah, we need to get ready." Hana says quietly.

A scene cuts back to Jungkook talking about how he used to cause a lot of fights and how he managed to become better. Hana then comes in again,

"Honestly, I get how the fight happened. We argue very often. But I think what's worst is when you argue and you have to perform afterwards. It's like you have this tension with the person you have while you perform." Hana explains. "It's also worst when you feel like the argument and anger towards each other is noticed by ARMYs.."

The talk ends and a scene where Jin and Taehyung were arguing was played again. Hoseok is seen to try to stop the fight, but it seems like it continues.

"This is something we have to fight about. We have to perform in a couple minutes." Hoseok says. Taehyung and Jin explain their side in another scene, but then again it continues.

"I'm talking about the performance, you're overreacting." Taehyung says to Jin, informally.

"Hey, hey wait a second." Someone says.

"You said you were trying your best and I got pissed when you said that." Taehyung adds.

"Hey, I don't think any of you are right." Jimin says breaking up the fight.

"Listen, we need to go the performance is in 8 minutes." Hana says.

"We need to go, just let this be." RM said. "It doesn't need to be that serious."

Everyone starts getting ready, as for Taehyung, you can see frustration in his face as he runs his hand through his hair. Hana pats his shoulder and Taehyung just holds Hana hand.

"It's fine okay? It's just a mini-situation... Please don't make it bigger.." Hana whispers to Taehyung.

Jin, seeing Taehyung's frustration, steps up. "No, It's my bad, you were talking about the performance and I took that as a joke. I was childish and I'm sorry." Jin says, patting Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung just stays quiet while gripping Hana hand.

Hana grips her hand back, as if she was telling him to apologize also, but he just stayed quietly. Hana saw that his eyes were about to tear up and she understood that if he spoke, he would probably begin crying.

"We need to go now Taehyung.. Just let it be alright? We'll solve it." Hana said to him.

The scene of Hana on the couch was up again, talking about the fight.

"I've fought with them before. Of course.. I get why they aren't letting it go. Because if you argue with someone, you want to make sure you're in the right and the other is on the wrong." Hana says.

"I saw Hana was getting a bit scared. She hates fights, she wants to avoid it as much as possible. She hates how it can take the worst turn in a matter of seconds." Suga says. "I would know.." He adds, quietly.

Once they finished their performance, Hana saw how Taehyung tried to avoid Jin. She sighs and continues performing. This is the worst part that she hated so much.

After the performance, Hoseok suggested that maybe they should go to the suite to talk about what happened. Everyone agreed.

All the members were seen in a hotel room, gathered up on the couch or floor, eating panda express. Hana had her head down the whole time.

Everyone got a chance to speak, and talked about how Jin and Taehyung should make up. All started getting up so Jin and Tae can get their alone time, then everyone noticed how Hana still had her head down.

"Did you guys make her cry?" Yoongi said squatting down next to her. The members looks as Yoongi pushed her hair behind her ear. He chuckles. "She fell asleep."

"Let her sleep, but move her next to me so her back won't hurt.." Taehyung said quietly making space on the couch.

Jungkook carried Hana to the couch, laying her head on the pillow that was on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung began to run his fingers through her hair, trying to forget about the whole fight.

"I'm sorry." Jin said quietly, staring at Hana, avoiding to look at Taehyung.

"Me too.." Taehyung said, his voice breaking. He was scared that if he continued to cry, he'd wake up Hana.

Jin explained his side to Taehyung, and Taehyung did the same to Jin. Jimin came in to make sure there was no more fights happening.

Once everything was quite settled, Jimin decides to just let them go rest.

"It's like two, we can go to sleep." Jimin said. Jin looks at his phone and lightly chuckles.

"It's 9, you barely know how to read time." Jin said, making Jimin laugh with him. Taehyung just continued to play with Hana's hair.

"Are we okay?" Jin asks him. Taehyung nods.

"We're okay." Taehyung says. Jin reaches over and hugs Taehyung as he steps out the room.

Taehyung sighs and lays back, moving carefully so he won't wake up Hana. He closed his eyes for a moment, until he felt someone's hand brush his tears away. He looks up and saw a sleepy Hana.

"Why were you crying..?" She asks, her voice deep due to her sleeping.

"Nothing.. it's fine now.. Go to sleep." He said, making her lay down so she won't worry.

"The couch is uncomfortable." She complaints. He chuckles,

"Alright, hurry up and sleep on the bed." He tells her.

"I'll just walk to mine." She said.

"No no, come on." He said helping her up. They both get to the bed and fall asleep almost immediately.

❝bts - 8th member❞ - BOOK 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now