please please read this

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So if you are reading this, which I hope you are (!!), then you have made it his far which is pretty damn great considering that I think my story stinks lol.

ANYWHO if you haven't noticed Will is not apart of this story, that is because he isn't very important in this, so if you comment "where is will" I will politely guide you here.

ALSO this story will have a sequel once I have finished editing this one. Yes if you see a chapter with { # } then that is updated and edited, if not, I am sincerely sorry! lol

AGAIN if you being reading my other story
"Summer Camp" it's a Louis Tomlinson story but I won't start updating that one until I have successfully edited and finished this one.

WITH that saying, the sequel to this and "Summer Camp" will have to share updates because ask ANYONE it's hard to update to stories and make everyone happy.

I seriously hope you all enjoy the rest of this story and don't be afraid to leave me messages and comments and all that jazz.

OHHHH ANDDDD if you previously commented on the chapters I have edited, they are still there! They just haven't showed up on the side while reading because the text you previously commented was deleted, but if you scroll ALL the way down where you can vote, just tap on the comment button and BAM there it is.

Please continue reading, and if you did read all of this I love you and leave me a comment so I know you have :)

+ if you want a character in the sequel please leave me a comment with that information about your character so we can make it happen.

I love you all!


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