The first day of college

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I loved an alien

Don't know how to start but I would like to tell everything what I experienced with my love of life... I was 19 years old when I got admission in Stephen Martin college.
I was new in that city because my parents had moved from our old place because my dad got a promotion.
I am the only child of my parents so most of the time I was a little alone but books were my best friends, so I never felt gloomy.

My friend circle was short in my old college because I was a shy person and I had no idea how to socialize. My eyes are green and my hair has a reddish tone in it. Nothing so special but I always got trouble from boys, I wonder why though... maybe because I was single and was too busy in reading that they always tried to date me so they could "deflower" a virgin nerd.

I avoided everyone and tried my best to escape from any proposal so I have never been with any guy till my college life.
We shifted to the new city near Arizona and I got accepted in my new college. On the first day of college I was too nervous so my dad dropped me at the college to encourage me.

"Don't worry dear, let it be. All is going to be fine I am sure. You are my brave girl just go for it ok, and if you want any help, I am always here."

He said and I nodded.
I didn't show how much scared I was because I didn't want him to worry about me on his first day of his new position. He already had too much to worry about, I thought then I stepped away from his car.

"Don't worry dad I am good this is all fun! I am a college girl now so don't pamper me, huh!"
I grinned and turned away before he could catch the edge of my lie.

I walked into the college, my first lecture was at the ground floor in room number 4.
My all attention was in my time table when I bumped into someone and stumbled on my foot.
I was going to be hurt by slipping when someone grabbed me by waist..

"Watch out!"

I heard a male voice.
As he set me on my foot. He was so strong because I was almost in air all the time, he supported all of my weight with ease when he settled me on the ground after grabbing.

I dared to look at him and I was stunned... He was soo beautiful!

Big, piercing eyes, underlined by surprisingly thick and long lashes. His eyes had a golden gray colour which was very rare and I had never seen eye colour like this one before.
His hair colour was golden bronze, so unusual and beautiful... His roman nose was sharp and lips were thin but full and they had the colour of coral a bristling fire.
He looked like an alive Greek god. Every single feature of him was as perfect as a statue.

I was sooo amazed by his stunning beauty when he asked me with worry.

"Are you okay ??"

His voice was like silk.. so sweet and peaceful. I came into my senses.

"He must be thinking that I am mental what's wrong with me!''
I thought to myself, embarrassed by my glaring at him, I looked away and said timidly,
"I'm fine thank you for help."

He looked at me with wary eyes then handed me my books which fell on the ground when I bumped into him.

"I am sorry, I was not paying attention."
I said but he was already on his way, not hearing. I stared flatly, he was so graceful! My heart was thudding like a humming bird ......

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