|Shot 31| • Toothache • |Stenbrough|

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Stenbrough is my drug. Fight me ~Jae👑

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"Bill, just hold still and let me see!"

"Oww, Stanny! It hurts!" Bill protested and closed his mouth.

"Just let me see, okay? I promise, I won't hurt you" I insisted.

I smiled as I cupped his face in my hands.

He pouted but nodded, then slowly opened his mouth, allowing me to check his tooth. I immediately noticed tooth decay. The pain he was experiencing plus the decay was evidence enough.

"You have a cavity, Bill" I concluded, and rubbed his chin with my thumb comfortingly before pulling my hands away.

He frowned and rubbed his jaw.

"Th-Thanks, Doctor Stan" he mumbled, and looked away.

"C'mon, I'll take you to the dentist" I rolled my eyes and smiled.


"Your friend was right, you've got a nasty cavity there, William. I'm just gonna numb your mouth a little and then provide a filling, okay? Shouldn't take too long since this is the only cavity I found"

"Sure" Bill sighed.

"Cheer up, son" the dentist smiled. "It won't hurt a bit"

"I'm right here, Bill" I smiled as I sat beside him.

"Are you sure I can stay?" I whispered to the dentist.

"As long as you stay out of the light, you can stay here with him as long as you want, Stanley" he assured me.


I shifted my eyes to Bill, who was frowning still.

"Hey, it'll be over before you know it, Bill. Won't hurt at all, and I'll be right here" I comforted him.

He grabbed my hand and smiled, which made me blush.

"Okay, William. I'm applying the numbing agent, open your mouth please" the dentist requested.

Bill looked to me for confirmation and I nodded. He opened his mouth reluctantly and the dentist applied the numbing agent. A few minutes later he got out his tools and poked Bill's gums.

"Do you feel that, William?"

"Ouch" Bill said almost sarcastically.

"Hmm, I've used two shots of novacaine on him already...better try anesthesia"

"W-What now?" Bill questioned.

"It's what you kids call laughing gas, is it? It makes you fall asleep so I can work on your teeth. It's painless, don't worry. Just lay back and relax"

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