The Blame Game

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Lenice's POV
The sound of the bedroom door opening and closing forced me into silence. The bathroom door was opened a crack so I could see. It was Eliza, she looks as if she's just been crying. She looks around the bedroom as if she was looking for something. She turn towards the bathroom and starts walking towards it. She swings the door wide open and stares at me with disdain. She looks down and sees the journal I still held in my hands.
She snatches the the journal from my grasp and flips through the pages.
"Hey, give that back." I reach for the journal but she turns it away from me.
"What are you doing with Sam's journal? Why are you in our bathroom?" She questions.
I could only stare at her in response. I reach for the journal again and take it from her hands. We walk deep into the woods, pass the clearing, and stop right at a cliff. Why would she bring me here? She walks towards the cliff and looks down. Jagged rocks stick out from the bottom.
"We need to talk," she says plainly and walks out the bedroom.
I put the journal back where I found it and follow Eliza out the room. We walk down the stairs, through the abandoned kitchen and out the back door into the freezing night air.
"Where are we going?" I ask through chattering teeth. She doesn't respond.
       We walk deep into the woods, pass the clearing, and stop right at a cliff. Why would she bring me here? She walks towards the cliff and looks down. Jagged rocks stick out from the bottom.
"What are we doing here?" I ask, frightened.
"To talk. Did you kill Mike?"
"What? No! I would never!" I defend.
"It's you're fault that he's dead! You're too weak to even stay awake long enough to make sure he was okay!" She shouts.
"Jesus, I know! I'm sorry that I couldn't stay awake long enough to watch your precious fiancé, I'm sorry that he's dead because of me," I start to advance towards her, she takes steps backwards towards the cliff, "I'm sorry that you've hated me for so long just because you were so afraid and so insecure of yourself that you thought Mike liked me or Hannah more than you! I'm sick and tired of you hanging this above my head and I'm tired of your evil glares! Get over it you lousy piece of trash!" We stop right at the cliffs edge and I stare her right in the eyes. Anger radiating off me enough, to melt the snow around us.
"If you would just shut up for a second," she spat, "you'd realize I took you out here, to thank you." An evil grin spreads across her face.
"What?" I take a few steps back.
"I don't care who killed Mike, I'm just glad that I didn't have to do it myself." She flips her hair to her back.
"Mike was your fiancé, why are you saying this?" "I've never loved him. I just liked the idea of having a boyfriend back in highschool. Don't get me wrong, he was a nice guy, but not for me."
"Then why all the disdain towards me?" I ask.
"I knew he had a thing for you. If he was to dump me and go to you, he wouldn't marry me, and I wouldn't get what I most desire."
"And what is that?"
"The man I truly want. I was only using Mike to get him jealous, but then I realized that it wasn't going to work, so why not keep him, then marry him, and kill him. I'll take whatever money he has."
"How could you? He loved you." I say shocked.
"Well now he's dead. All that's left to do is  kill you." She takes out a knife from behind her back.
It's an average kitchen knife. Since the moon is still out, I guess it was some time past noon. The moon's light reflects off the metal blade. She steps towards me, blade in hand. I take a few steps back. She lunges at me, swinging the blade towards my face. I dodge the attack in the knick of time. She continues to lunge and attack me, swinging the blade around. She's blood thirsty, I can see it in her face. Snow dances around us, wolves begin to howl in the distance, watching our performance.
To my left I hear the trees begin to ruffle. I turn to the noise, but that was all she needed to attack once more. The blade slices my cheek causing blood to
drip from it. Three drops fall from my face and taint the pure white snow. I hold my face in anguish. Eliza, using this distraction kicks me in the side, pushing me
to the cliff. I fall down and look up at her. She kicks me once more in the side. I curl up into a ball to protect myself from the next blow. She squats down next to me and places the knife up to my neck.
"You know," she begins, "we would've been friends, if you didn't like Mike."
The ruffling noise becomes louder. Out of the trees, I see Hannah rush over to us. She takes out her gun and shoots Eliza once in the shoulder. I use that distraction to push her up with my legs and flip her up and over the cliff. The sound of her screams travel up the cliff. A loud thunk ends the screams.
Hannah runs the rest of the way over to me and looks over the cliff. I continue to lay on my back, breathing heavily. Hannah looks over at me and helps me onto my feet. She wraps her arms around me and we start our walk back to the cabin.
"How-" I begin, but she cuts me off.
"I started looking for you once Nathan left to apologize. Then I saw you walking outside with Eliza. Thinking something was wrong, I grabbed my gun and went out to get you. I hid behind some trees. I heard everything."
"Thank you." I say.
We walk back to the cabin in silence.
"What are we gonna say about Eliza?" I ask, worried.
"Leave it to me. You go take care of that cut, it looks pretty deep."
We enter the the cabin. Warmth greets us as we enter the door, defrosting or frozen bones. I detach from Hannah and walk upstairs to our bedroom.

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