Chapter 2

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I get home later that night to find my leftovers in the microwave and my parents already asleep in their room. I eat while sitting outside in the nice weather.

You know, it's weird to think that people who live completely different lives are so close to us Soc's. I can hear the Greasers party from here, and oddly enough I don't feel the need to call the police this time.

It's interesting... I've never lived a life like theirs, I've always been so sheltered from their daily lives.

I finish my meal then head upstairs to change into my PJ's before bed.

I wake up the next morning and take my quick shower before pulling my blonde hair into a braid that stops in between my shoulder blades.

I drive to school after saying goodbye to my parents. Cherry stands next to her car talking to some guy while I pull into my parking spot, I don't talk to anyone as I rush inside, traffic made me late today.

"Wow, the incredible Sofia Pittman is late to school" I hear someone tease from behind me, I glance back and see Steve Randle leaning against his locker smirking at me.

"I don't have time for you delinquent" I seethe. I quickly open my locker and start to get my things together.

I hear him laugh when he walks up to me and stands beside my locker, "You're going to have a lot of time for me pretty soon" he says.

I roll my eyes and slam my locker shut, "I don't pay attention to you filthy rats, and I never will. So why don't you get to class and actually learn something, since mommy can't pay for your college" I spit at him.

I walk briskly to class not knowing where that sudden boost of confidence came from, Steve doesn't throw back an insult as he turns around and walks in the other direction.

Math is pretty uneventful, so is English, but History is when the day got interesting. I start taking notes from the board until the teacher turns off the lights and flicks on his projector.

"Alright, most people hate projects, but I like seeing two unlikely characters come together to create something beautiful. So that's exactly what we're doing" he tells us.

I personally don't mind projects, it doesn't matter who the person is I always end up doing all of the work, which is perfect for me since I'm a perfectionist and like to have everything my way.

"I've already come up with your project topic and your partner, so don't even ask," he says.

He names most of the class before he gets to my name, "Alright... Sofia Pittman, and..." he starts, his finger skims across the paper and lands on my partners' name. "Steve Randle, and your topic is the French Revolution."

My heart stops beating as everyone in the room "Ooohs," I groan in annoyance and force myself to look at my notes and not anywhere else. Once the teacher was done listing all of the projects he leaves us to start.

A desk is slammed into mine to the point where I hold onto my stuff to make sure it doesn't fall. I send a glare at Steve knowing automatically it was him, he grins and rests his forearms on his desk.

"So, partner" he puts the emphasis on partner, "let's go to your house after school" he smirks. I shake my head automatically.

"There's no way in hell I'm letting a Greaser into my house, and I don't even know if you own a home, so we're going to the library," I say.

He squints his eyes at me "Of course I have a home, not as expensive as yours, but it's nice" he defends.

I roll my eyes, "We're going to meet at the library straight after school, okay?" he huffs out of annoyance, "Fine, whatever" he says.

I finish the rest of the day stressing about what Steve's going to do, so he clearly knew that we were working together. Obviously, the teacher told him beforehand, but god only knows what Steve's going to try to do to ruin my project.

I walk into the library to see him already sitting at a table with four chairs, he has his feet up and he's smoking.

I rush over to him and grab the cigarette from his mouth and put it out before throwing it into the trash.

"What the hell, Sophia!?" he yells, the librarian quickly shushes him so he flicks her off.

"Ma'am I'm sorry," I tell her before glaring at Steve, "keep your voice down" I whisper-yell to him.

I put my bookbag on the table and sit down with a huff.

"I know that you're unintelligent, but you can't smoke in a library," I tell him, he rolls his eyes but doesn't pull out another cigarette.

"Alright so what's the French Evolution?" he asks and pulls out his history textbook.

I glance up from my textbook and try to stifle a laugh but I can't.

"The French Evolution?" I question, his eyebrow raises in confusion.

"Yeah, our topic... The French Evolution right?" he asks, I shake my head and grin down at my textbook.

"It's the French Revolution, dufus" I laugh, I glance up at him to see him smiling down at me.

I clear my throat and look back down at my textbook suddenly feeling uncomfortable. I flip to the chapter about the French Revolution and start listing out stuff we can use on our project while Steve writes them down.

"So, I want to know, what do you do once you get home?" he asks me, I glance up at him and see him looking at me with a playful look in his eyes.

"I do my homework, go for a run, eat dinner, then go to sleep" I shrug, Steve, lets out a laugh "Are you serious?" he snorts, I nod hesitantly.

"Wow, where's the room for your friends, or any fun for that matter?" he asks, I shuffle my feet under the table awkwardly.

"I uh... I don't really have that many friends" I cough, he laughs rather loudly, and doesn't seem to stop.

My face flushes red with anger and embarrassment, I quickly shove all of my things into my bookbag and kick my chair in.

"Fuck you, Steve Randle" I spit then stalk off to the exit. I hear Steve still laughing as I exit the building and run to my car because it's starting to rain.

I slam my door shut and the tears that I didn't know I had been holding back started to fall, I rest my head on the steering wheel and let out a loud sob.

God how embarrassing, to be laughed at by a social outcast who's a complete jackass and not to mention an idiot. I'm so humiliated.

I sit up and wipe the tears from my eyes and put on my seatbelt before turning on my car, I look up for the first time and see Steve holding the door open and just staring at me, he looks almost conflicted.

I realize how much more terrible the situation has become, so I quickly drive away just wanting to be in my room to cry.

I turn on the radio to try and drown out my thoughts, but it doesn't really work. Not to mention my car starts to make weird sounds at the worse part of town.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me" I groan, I pull off to the side of the road and as soon as I cross the white line my car shuts off.

"Fuck!" I yell, I hit the steering wheel but it doesn't do much to make me feel better. I get out of the car and slam it shut, I make sure to take out all of my most important belongings and lock my car.

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