Chapter 4

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I show up at my house and quickly finish all of my homework and by the time I'm done it's 7, I didn't tell my father about the party because he would for sure freak-out.

I change into nicer clothes, but not too nice to say "Hey greasers! Rob me!", but nice enough for one of their parties I assume. I apply a wee bit of makeup for me to look somewhat presentable table.

Staring at myself in the mirror I wonder why I agreed to do this, obviously I want to go out and have fun, but with a bunch of greasers? God, what if one of them robs me?

I check the time and see that it's 7:45, "Shit, I'm gonna be late" I mutter.

I grab my purse and run down the stairs, "Hey, Papa?" I call out. "Yes, Sweetheart?" he calls out from the living room. I walk into the room and see him reading the newspaper in his favorite chair.

I smooth my hair down and offer him one of my irresistible smiles he can never resist. "May I go out? There's a party that Cherry invited me to, it's a celebration of her birthday" I say. I can't believe I just lied to him! And so easily too!!

"Wasn't her birthday two months ago, honey?" he looks up from his newspaper this time, and I falter for a second.

But I recover myself and let out a laugh "You know rich people, daddy. They like to celebrate their birthday all the time so long as they get gifts" this time he smiles and looks back at his newspaper.

"I guess you can, just don't get any ideas about having more birthday parties, one is enough," he says, I laugh and wave as I rush for the door.

"Thanks, dad, love you!" I yell to him, I don't hear his response as I rush to my car and quickly turn it on.

I let out a loud sigh I didn't realize I had been holding in, I can't believe I just lied to my father! I've never lied to him before, and I did it for some dirty greasers!

I drive towards the address and pull up at 8:05, I see Steve standing outside smoking, he smiles when he sees me.

"I didn't take you for being late to something," he says after I step out of my car, I laugh lightly "Yeah, well I had to get permission to leave," I say, Steve raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Oh yeah, and what'd you tell daddy?" he teases again. I shuffle my feet and look straight down at them feeling incredibly guilty.

"I told him that I was going to Cherry Valance's birthday party" I mumble. Steve lets out a hearty laugh and clutches his stomach, "And he bought it?" he howls.

I nod and smile slightly, "Man, that's too good" he wipes a fake tear from his eye.

"Alright come on, let's go get the rest of them," he says, I walk into the house behind them and see everyone that was at the DQ that one day sitting around talking.

"Hey Y'all, I brought Sophia to come with us" Steve announces, everyone looks up at us and Kris smiles and waves.

She jumps up from Ponyboys lap and hugs me tightly, "I didn't think you'd actually come, but I'm really glad you did! Although it's surprising to see Steve as your date" she winks at me.

"Oh... no, I'm not his-" I'm cut off by Steve wrapping his arm around my shoulders, I tense up and try to step away from him but he just holds on.

"Yep, she's going on the best date she's ever had" he grins, I blush and look around uncomfortably.

Liz, who was working at the DX earlier today, is sitting on top of Sodapop who has his arms around her. Darry and Two-bit are playing cards, and Ponyboy is smiling at Kris.

"We're going to leave in a couple of minutes, but I want you to change so you don't look like a Soc" Kris says, "What's wrong with my clothes," I ask and look down at them.

"Nothing, they're cute, but they scream "I'm rich!" and you really don't want that," she says, I nod and glance back at Steve before following up the stairs behind Kris.

She takes us into a room with pictures of Ponyboy and Kris surround the room, "You share a room with Ponyboy?" I question, she blushes and smiles.

"Yeah" she mumbles with a smile, she searches through her closet and hands me dark wash jeans, a dark maroon colored shirt, and a black leather jacket. 

Luckily I'm wearing black converse and not some expensive boots.

"I'll let you change" she smiles before leaving the room, I change into my clothes and notice one picture in the room.

It's all of their gang standing in front of this house, Liz and Kris are both standing next to their boyfriends, and Steve stands next to Two-bit, and Dally has his arm wrapped around Johnny.

Speaking of Johnny, I didn't see him downstairs, but maybe he just doesn't like parties.

My eyes fall back on Steve, he has an incredible smile plastered on his face, and his arm muscles show through his tank top, that's probably not a detail I should have noticed, but oh well.

I shake my head after realizing I was staring at his picture for such a long time, I set it down quickly and walk downstairs.

"Aw, Soph!! You look so good" Kris gushes, I blush.

My eyes wander over to Steve who was clearly talking to Sodapop, but Steve is blatantly staring at me, his eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly agape.

I blush and look down at my shoes with a smile, why was he staring at me like that??

"Alright let's go, I wanna get my drink on" Dallas yells, I start to grab my purse but Kris quickly stopped me.

"I wouldn't if I were you, someone can easily take it there if you're not paying attention," she says, "Oh" is all I say. I place it in a safe spot no one knows about just in case one of them tries to take my money... sad I know.

"Alright, come on. I'm driving us" Steve tells me, I walk out and sit in the passenger's seat with Ponyboy, Kristen, and Two-bit in the back.

As Steve starts driving I notice him glancing at me every so often, I smile to myself and look out the window.

Once we reach the house, I hear the music blaring out of the house and I gulp visibly.

"Oh relax, you'll have fun," Steve says, everyone files out of the car rather quickly leaving just Steve and me in the car.

"I'm just a bit nervous that's all," I say, Steve, smiles at me.

"First party?" he asks, I laugh softly "Do birthday parties count?" I ask, he shakes his head with a small smile, "then yes, it's my first party."

"I'll be with you the whole time, and I promise you'll have a good time. And, I'll get you back home in time, just... don't drink too much" he warns, he gets out of the car and I follow suit.

"I don't drink" I frown, he laughs and turns back to me "Trust me, everyone says that at first," he says.

He starts walking towards the house again but stops and turns around and looks me up and down.

"I forgot to say this earlier, but you look good as a greaser," he says, I smile at him and run up to join him, "Don't get used to it, Randle," I say with a smirk.

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