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TW: small mention of parental abuse

"You love me?"

Keith's heart dropped, he could feel his mouth go dry and his stomach go queasy.
"Umm- I- Ugh- Yes? No?" Nice save.
"Keith look at me." The boy slowly turned around to face Lance. "Do you love me?" Sighing he knew there was no way out of the ditch he had dug himself into.
"Yes." Closing his eyes Keith waited for something to happen, for Lance to yell, move away, slap him. He was ready for anything. Anything but this...

He felt a pair of lips smacked onto his, they were soft and smooth and tasted like the sickly sweetness of hot chocolate. Scared to open his eyes in case everything was a dream, Keith melted into the kiss. Passionately matching the others rhythm. Slowly, the boy opened his purple eyes and met a stunning mess of caramel. Lance.

When the need of air became desperate, Lance pulled apart and looked up at Keith. His pale skin had a red dust-like blush went over his nose and on his cheeks like freckles. His eyes shone like a night sky, the ceiling light's reflections made stars in the purple pools. He giggled nervously and made eye contact asking two simple words that could change their lives forever.

"What now?"
"Heh, yeah, what now?" Lance rubbed the back of his neck, repeating the question. "Are we like a thing now?"
"I guess. If you want,"
"Yeah, that would be amazing." He released a breath he wasn't aware he was holding.

"So, Lance. Gay huh?"
"Ummmm no. Bi actually." Keith giggled at how defensive his new boyfriend got. "What about you?"
"Oh, I'm completely gay."
"I know you have a brain, even if it's not very big-"
"So you should be able to of worked it out." Lance gave him a look of confusion, tilting his head to one side like a puppy.
"Not to be stereotypical but I wear high boots, leggings and a crop jacket."
"Oh yeah..."
"You're such an idiot."
"Hey, that's not nice." Keith just simply shrugged,
"I never proclaimed to be nice."
"Ugh, whatever. Can we go to sleep now?"

It was past midnight and neither boys were asleep.
"Keith.." a small whisper broke the silence.
"What?" He answered, his voice was slightly muffled by the pillow he had plunged his head into, but still audible.
"Are you awake?" With a sigh, he flipped from his stomach to his back.
"I wouldn't answer you if I wasn't"
"Oh, yeah."
"Anyway, did you want something?"
"Uhh yeah, a quick question."
"Hit me."
"Where did all those scars come from?"

If Keith was drinking water, he would've spat it out. Time seemed to stop and the similar sinking feeling filled his chest.
"W-What?" He stuttered,
"Where did all those scars come from, you have a lot of them."
"Oh, those." He debated telling the truth or not, if he told Lance about his dad he would have to relive the painful past. But if he lied, he would be stuck lying for the rest of his life. Sighing, he decided that he can't live the way he was at the moment for ever, and even though telling Lance will bring up some 'experiences' that Keith would rather forget about it would also let him express everything he'd been bottling up his entire life.

"Lance, I need to tell you something."
"The scars. They're from my dad." Keith could feel the tears building up. Sighing, he continued, "after mum left, he became unstable and would drink a lot. Which lead to him getting angry and taking out on me." He knew he was crying. Looking down, he wiped his eyes and felt a pair of arms wrap around him.
"Keith I'm so sorry you had to go through that."
"Yeah well, it's all in the past now isn't it?" Keith smiled,
"Yeah, let's live in the future." Lance chuckled.

"We should probably tell the others" Lance said, breaking the hug.
"Tell them what?" Keith answered, fear setting in,
"About us." He said simply,
"It'll be ok, I'm pretty sure they'll be ok with it." Nodding, Keith grabbed Lance's hand and looked into his blue eyes.
"Are you sure?" His voice sounded small and scared, like a small child asking if a spider was gone.
"Positive, and if not, well then, too hell with them." His smirk made all Keith's fear wash away and a new found warmth filled his chest.
"Yeah, to hell with them." He smiled back.

Realising that it was now five in the morning, neither boys decided to sleep. They stayed up sitting crossed legged on the overly soft, blue bed rehearsing what they where going to say.
"So, we just walk in and say it?" Keith questioned, still slight unclear on the plan,
"Yep, unless you've got a better idea?" The taller male responded, his voice sounding tiered and grumbly. He shook his head as an answer, his black hair hitting his face.
"You should probably get some sleep, you look exhausted." He said, noticing how Lance's eyes were hardly open.
"Yeah, how are you so awake?"
"Heh, I'm used to all nighters." He answered smiling at the memories of him and his friends staying up all night for no reason.
"Fair enough, I'm gonna have an hour nap."
"Sure thing, lover boy." Sighing Lance shot daggers at Keith,
"That was a one time thing that Coran decided."
"You loved it." Keith giggled,
"Oh shut up Mullet."
"You didn't deny it." He was laughing as Lance turned his back to him, huffing like a child.

Soon light snores came from the boy. Double checking that he was asleep, Keith lay next to him and started to doze of into a dreamless sleep. The warmth of Lance's body made him feel happy and safe. Smiling, he let the darkness of the night consume him.


Ugh, sorry that I've hardly posted chapters. I know, I suck. But I'm back with another one. Also, thanks, you all said really nice things about me, it really boosted my confidence. You guys really are amazing and I can't how many of you guys there are.

Your tired and unoriginal friend Alex.

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