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Chapter: Absurd Yet True

This is the absurd story of Robert Lane, a father who in 1958 decided to name his first born son Winner, thinking it would give the kid a boost in life. Three years later he had another son, and, in the spur of the moment, decided to call him Loser. It doesn’t appear that Robert was unhappy about the new baby: He just seemed to get an absurd kick out of the name. First a Winner, then a Loser. But if Winner Lane could hardly be expected to fail, how could Loser Lane possibly succeed?
    These two brothers are notable primarily for their unusual first names, but also for their fate being quite the reverse of what their names would suggest. The only noteworthy achievement of Winner Lane is his criminal record – nearly three dozen arrests for burglary, domestic violence, trespassing, resisting arrest and other crimes. Loser Lane on the other hand, born in 1961, graduated from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, and joined the New York Police Department. He eventually advanced to become sergeant. Although he never hid his name, people were uncomfortable using it. His friends threw a French pronunciation on it, calling him “Losier”. To his colleagues he’s known as Lou. These days Loser and Winner barely speak with each other.

Possible Moral
Interesting questions to ask yourself: Can a persons name affect their destiny? Whether you’re naming your first born baby or your newly started business, be sure to think twice out the outcome before deciding.

Story from We All Need Heroes: Stories of the Brave and Foolish.
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